Wednesday 110706

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Dead-lift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Warm-up is 5/3/2 reps. You get 7 attempts and only 7 attempts so plan your attack appropriately.

Post weight lifted (and if PR) to comments/Logwod.

Andy Bolton's dead-lift of 1008 pounds.

Our 4 year anniversary of being in business is this August and we are having a 4 person golf scramble (best lie) and cookout to celebrate. The date is Sunday, August 7th starting at 3PM. We are allowing a maximum of 16 foursomes in which we'll play 9 holes. The course is Shoreline. Anyone (CFO member or not) is invited and welcome to sign up and play.

You will have 2 options in signing up. You can either pay $160 and name your team or pay $40 and be assigned to a team. This price will cover golf, eating, and beer. Those that wish only to attend the cookout afterwards, the price will be $10 for food and what's left of beer. There will also be a cash bar available.

I will post links to sign up on our Facebook page, soon, so be on the lookout for that.

Golf starts at 3PM and the eating should begin around 6-6:30PM. Please plan on attending in some form or fashion as this is very important to Joe and I. It is a great thank you for us to be able to hang out with all our awesome members who make this gym what it is. Please join us.

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6 Responses to "Wednesday 110706"

  1. markdishaw Says:
  2. That sounds like a lot of fun, unfortunately, my wife and I will be at the Motley Crue / Poison concert that evening.

    I hope everyone else is able to join in on the fun, though!!
  3. BigD Says:
  4. 404# with the morning monsters today. 3# PR!
    Lots of good weight being moved at 5AM!
  5. Allison H :) Says:
  6. I'm not sure if Jake and I can make the golfing but we are def down for food and beer!! This is also at Shoreline? Awesome!

    Congrats on your 4 years! 2+ of which I have been a member and love crossfit! I truly appreciate everything you guys do and I am grateful to be part of such an inspirational gym! Drinking the crossfit omaha kool-aid was the best decision I ever made for my health and fitness. So I can't wait to party and celebrate in Crossfit Omaha's name!

    On the workout note ~ deadlifts today were frustrating. So so so want to get over 200# and I don't know what it is with my back, pull, strength or what but I am stuck under 200 as I have been. Maybe it's all in my head but someday SOMEDAY I will get it! So 189# 1rm. and 2 fails at 199.
  7. Unknown Says:
  8. Worked up to 374# and stayed at that weight to work on form. Pretty rounded and well off my PR of 440#. Hopefully focusing on my set up and back staying flat will make me stronger. I have a ways to go!
  9. JennG Says:
  10. 208#
    This is a 5# pr for me so pretty happy, especially since I'm reasonably sure I had decent form..not perfect but better.

    Good job, 5:30!
  11. ZachR Says:
  12. Got up to 360# today. My goal was 350 so I was very happy.

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