Monday 110718

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
115#/77# Front Squat, 10 reps
10 Burpees

Post total reps completed to comments/Logwod.

Jon Pingel does some work in France.

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17 Responses to "Monday 110718"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. 4 rds + 1 front squat

    Should have gotten a few more front squats, but let my head get to me in those last burpees. Burpees were slow overall this morning, but steady. Front squats hurt.
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. 3rds + 10 FS

    Goal was 4 complete rounds but Burpees were slow. Kept moving but slow.

  5. BC Says:
  6. 3 rds + 5 fs rx'd.
  7. Jess Says:
  8. 3 rds + 4 burpees (used 33# and did 6 stepping down and up burpees instead of 10)

  9. BigD Says:
  10. 3 rounds. Felt like my body was in slow motion the whole time. Time to jump back on the paleo wagon...

    Was pissed off enough at how shitty I did that I did Saturday's workout once I got to base. Finished in 12:47 RX'd.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Goal was 5 rds,

    Got 4 rds + 10 fs + 5 burpees RX, was upset with those last 5 I didn't get.

    We had a lot of time left so I decided to do Saturdays since I missed it. Finished 11:59 rx. Lotsa burpees today!

    Last time I try to pace myself for a 5 min wod. Next time I'll just go all out the whole time. I felt like I wasn't as tired as I should of been afterward....
  13. JonD Says:
  14. Good for you Pat!

    On the other hand I was a but tired after this one, not everyone has an engine like you do.

    4 rounds plus 10 FS and 1 burpee. My front squats need to get faster.

    Sunday did Saturdays workout
    12:46, my bum hurts from all those sit ups!

    Good luck everyone and its great to see people in the mornings!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. JonD.... I'll take that as a compliment, thanks!

    Now just give me some of your press, snatch, ohs power, and we will call it even!

    And I DIDN'T cheat on Saturdays!

    I got a good feeling about this gallon challenge this week..... I read a study that athletes who performed the gallon challenge (with chocolate milk) improved their front squat speed by 154%. Not much more I need to say.
  17. paul Says:
  18. 4 rds and 1 FS. not what i'd hoped for. but as they say, the only way to improve is to do more work faster.

    also, BC, I never replied to your splinter cell comment. when i say i'm "blowing up like nitro" i mean something different entirely.
  19. Allison H :) Says:
  20. 4 rds 2 fs scaled with 53#

    for 5 minutes this was intense. didn't want to let myself rest at all in those 5 minutes.
    had to keep telling myself to keep moving it's only 5 minutes! working out next to jake was great too - let's me know i can and need to move faster!

    big noon class and i loved it!
  21. jakeH Says:
  22. 5 rounds + 1 FS = 101 reps

    When I saw the workout last night I wondered if 5 minutes was enough. Now that I have done the WOD, it has been decided that 5 minutes was plenty.

    Front Squats were cool, but I really don't like burpees all that much.
  23. Unknown Says:
  24. Great athletes at noon today. Got 4 rds + 8 FS rx'd. My transition between movements could have been faster. Goal was 5, but I do feel better seeing that my score was near Jonny D's at Pat's. Good work today!
  25. Shelley Says:
  26. Did this WOD at Offutt:

    4 rounds plus 10 FS and 1 burpee at 80#. FS felt great, burpees not so much.

    I then worked on some balance/strength moves using a Bosu ball. I did squats or at least went down as far as I could on my own and then used a partner to get full squat depth. Really felt it in my core/abs as it's tough to do anything on a Bosu ball (IMO)and keep your balance. I then did pushups on it both with hands in close and out wide and then with feet on it and also did pushups with one leg straight out in the air.

    It was fun to do some different things too.
  27. Steve Says:
  28. 4 rounds rx'd.
  29. Kelli Says:
  30. 3 Rds + 9 FS. Rx'd. I really pushed myself on this one. Kept tellin myself it was only 5 minutes. Still cramped up like no-body's business on the FS though...Love the pic!!
  31. Kristina Nash Says:
  32. Bummed I missed this one today. I will be making it up on Thursday for sure!
  33. ZachR Says:
  34. 4 rounds + 2 FS

    My front squats were slow and I broke them up into 2 sets of 5 in the last two rounds.

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