Snatch one rep on the minute every minute for 15 minutes.
Post the highest and lowest loads to comments/Logwod.
Origins of Weightlifting
If you have the time and/or the interest, this is a fantastic video covering what are known as the Olympic lifts.
154# x 15. Was pretty heavy. You really have to use a ton of extension (snapping open the hips) with that many heavy attempts. It was good to groove that movement over the 15 reps.
Nice job handling the big class Amanda!
Great classes this morning. I really, really love to see a big group of people doing amazing things, such as the snatch. So I just want to commend you all on doing what you do! Keep it up. I enjoy helping you get better, but you have to be here for that to happen, so thanks!
Awesome job AM'ers. I think everyone got better today! Great stuff.
PM'ers we'll see you later... and the AC is on, so don't let the heat deter you!
Snatch is still a weakness for me but I feel I am getting better at it.
practice practice practice!
I love these on-the-minute workouts, because it gives enough repetition and enough down-time that I always learn something about my technique and what I need to change. Today, I noticed that if I rush my setup and my first pull, I catch out front. Have to remember to take my time setting up, and focus on getting that full extension every time. Good stuff.
Also, super-impressive form by Frankie this morning! Like a pro.
Did some HSPU work after with parallettes (2 reds).
Strict muscle ups 3 sets of 4-6
I think that might be my shortest post ever.....
132# x 7
I've now taken a snatch and a pull-up seminar and both have been worth every minute and cent.
104# (7-15)
Great day to work on technique.