For time:
Run to last pole on right (about 800)
75 Double Unders
Run to 3rd from last pole on right (about 600)
100 Double Unders
Run to 5th from last pole on right (about 400)
125 Double Unders
finish w/,
10/5 Tire Flips
If needed, pair with someone on the tire flips and go back and forth.
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Quick tip on flipping tires correctly.
Did option A for the run and DU's in 13-ish. I was under the impression we finished then waited for someone to do flips with, so I lost a little time ther, and after I was done with them, I stayed outside for a little bit, not sure why.
Anyways, did the DU's sets all unbroken but felt I could have ran a little faster.
Really fun wod, love DU's, fun working out with the 5 am crew!
Jon and Amanda, get some rest for the Indian run 5k tomorrow morning! I'll have three gallons of choc milk for us!
13:04 Rx'd. DU's cooperated really well today. The limiting factor was me getting tired on these and not so much me getting tripped up. I checked the clock after the first 800 which took me 3:20 and then exactly 1 minute to get the first 75 DU's.
Tire flips were fun and so much easier doing them the right way!!
Good work once again 6 a.m.!!
19:30 with tire flipage!
scaled to opt B: 800m, 35 du, 600m, 50 du, 200m, 65 du
double unders are getting better but still need work at getting more in a row. Was a hot and dirty one today! fun fun though :)
Thanks, Jimmy, for helping me to conquer that tire. Lovin' the flips..probably the closest thing to knocking someone over. ;)