AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Thrusters, 132#/92#
20 Double Unders
10 Bar Facing Burpees
100 meter run (to the curb and back)
Post completed rounds + reps to comments/Logwod.
Addi's thruster ladder was a lot of fun to watch. Apparently, these two women in front here didn't care.
The gym is hosting a Level I Certification in August if anyone is interested. The link is posted all the way to the right underneath the Twitter feed. Please email me if you have any questions.
If any of you are interested, I am placing an order for Progenex Recovery at the end of this week. The cost to you is 10% off retail. There is a sign-up on the board.
Donohoe is out....
Nice job morning monsters, this one was BRUTAL!
Courtney, it is good to have you back at CFO my friend! And even better that you joined us 5am'ers along with Shelley and Tessa! It was great working out with you guys again! 5am is becoming to be a pretty big class! LOVE IT!!! It is definitely A LOT cooler in the morning! Hats off to all you afternoon/evening classes!
Great job this morning 5am!!!!
I joined the 5 a.m. crew this morning which I rarely do and actually had to be cleared from the wait list last night to get in! This is a far cry from the rare times I've gone at 5 a.m. only to be with one or two other people.
7 RDS plus 2 burpees Rx'd. The thrusters felt great and never seemed to get heavy. I used my new rope also and messed up a total of 4 times in the 8 rounds of DU's. Missing hurts with the new rope:( I think I've got marks on my legs......
Bar facing burpees were the worst part of this WOD as they just seem so slow. I jogged the 100 meter run mostly to catch my breath before next round and tried not to rest much.
There are a lot of cool people at 5 a.m.!!!
Great work everyone!!
On another side note, Amanda has really come into her own as a coach. I notice she is much more assertive and confident, and I think she's doing a great job!!
Great job 6am!
5 Rounds plus 5 BFBs (I'm with ya'll...those suck).
Good to be back to regular gym time!
6 rounds plus 9 burpees. I was on track to hit 8, and I don't know what happened - I didn't think I slowed down that much, but apparently I did. Or else Joe sped up the clock somehow the last 5 minutes. :) My little rests stayed the same - must have slowed down A LOT on burpees. A little disappointed with the total rounds, but happy with the way I paced it and kept moving. Kept remembering a shirt I saw at regionals - "Don't wish it were easier. Wish you were better."
Games Group kids - I think I'm going to swim tomorrow morning, if you'd like to join me. I won't be able to come in Saturday, so I might swim Sunday 3-4, as well. Need to shake off those thrusters!
Addi, love the quote! I'll have to remember that one!