Tuesday 110607

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
1300 Meter Run
100 Sit ups
50 Toes 2 Bar

Cut-off is 15 minutes. Scale as needed.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Laura Feyerherm and Adam Staab.

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23 Responses to "Tuesday 110607"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. is anyone flying into CA for the games before 2pm on thursday 28th???
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. and flying out afternoon on monday aug 1st?
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. 16:14 Rx'd

    Run: 5:56
    Situps: 9:37

    Obviously it took me 6 plus minutes to do T2B. The run and the situps felt great. I broke up T2B in sets of 3,2 and finally singles when I got in the 40 rep plus. Thanks Addi for tip on jumping up from behind bar to use swing to get up easier. My goal was 10 per minute, and I didn't hit that.

    This workout wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I don't want to do it again.

    Great work 6 a.m.!!!
  7. Addi Says:
  8. 14:01 rx'd

    Run felt really good - just kept thinking how glad I was to NOT be doing this while it was still relatively cool. I couldn't quite catch Shelley, but I was happy with my pace. Situps were predictably unpleasant, but definitely faster than I expected. T2B after the situps were slow but steady.

    Some day I hope to be tough enough to go super-rx'd like BC. :)
  9. Addi Says:
  10. GDawg - we're flying out Wednesday night and coming back Monday afternoon. I think we're flying through LAX, but not 100% sure.
  11. BC Says:
  12. 16:06 rx'd.

    GDawg, Jess and I are still on the fence about going to CA, but right now we're looking at flights that would arrive Thur evening and would leave to come home Mon morning. On that note, where are the non-competitors staying? Anyone have any accomodations made yet?
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. Tessa is looking into condo(s) in Redondo beach area as there are probably 10-12 of us going who are not competing.

    Donahoe, Greg and myself reserved rooms for Thur-Mon am. at Holiday Inn in Torrance CA which allows us to cancel day of before 6 p.m. with no charge. # is 1-310-781-9100 and was $668 for the 4 nights which includes tax.

    I still haven't booked flight yet.
  15. Mark Says:
  16. 15:26. Run was just over 6 minutes, 100 situps finished just under 10 minutes and then I did 50 single toes 2 bar. Those were much tougher than I anticipated.

    Another huge class and already too hot for my liking. I can't imagine doing this in the 100 degree heat later.
  17. BigD Says:
  18. 16:58 RX'd. Frickin' toes to bar...
  19. paul Says:
  20. I was going to try to do 2 WODs today, but I underestimated the effect the first one would have on me. It's an old favorite:

    5 rds
    15 DL (155)
    35 air squats

    this was posterior chain death for me today.
  21. JonD Says:
  22. Fun one at noon, I love this heat! Embrace it people, soon enough it will be snowing and -15 out and we can't run outside. Or I should say we are nice enough to not make you run outside ;).


    I think the run was around 6 maybe a little less didn't see when I came in. 100 sit ups in a row and broke up the toes to bar into 4-5 reps at a time.

    4:30pm is going to be huge people so prepare yourself for a big class!
  23. Hilg Says:
  24. Been a while since I saw the noon crew. Steamy - check. Windy - Check. Run - Check. Situps - Check. TTB - Not so much. Had to resort to knees to some point above my waist. :-(

    15:13 with that "little" adjustment.
  25. Jess Says:
  26. 16:10 doing option B which I ended up doing 11 T2B then switched to 35 ball slams instead.

    Great job 6am. It was nice to work out with some of the games peeps again. Missed you guys. :)

  27. BC Says:
  28. Jess and I just booked our flight to CA for the games - frickin' sweet!

    We got our flights for $305 per person round trip. Jess's mom, Vicki, is a travel agent and booked it for us. If anyone still needs to book their flights and would like her contact info let one of us know. Can't wait!
  29. BC Says:
  30. This comment has been removed by the author.
  31. BC Says:
  32. The Mrs. informed me that I left out some details:

    We are flying out on Thur morning and returning Monday late afternoon, through LAX on US Airways. GDawg, we arrive in LA at 9am on Thursday.

    We also went ahead and booked a room at the same Holiday Inn that Shelley mentioned, but if anyone comes up with a better option let us know.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. super fun wod!!!
    Did everything Rx'ed except for toes to bars, i got a few toes to bars, but mixed them up with knees to elbows, so guess can't say i did it RX'ed. Finished in 17:04.
  35. Steve Says:
  36. DNF. Run in 6 minutes, just weak when it comes to sit-ups. Broke up T2B into sets of 5, got 30 total before ran out of time.
  37. O'Kief Says:
  38. 12:24 rxd. Agree with Jon; I like the heat.

    Donahoe and I are on Southwest leaving Thurs 7/28 at 4:15 pm; returning Mon 8/1 at 8:15 am (LAX). The CFO horde invades SoCal.
  39. Stacie Says:
  40. 13:35 rxd
  41. Ricky Frausto Says:
  42. 10:20 rx'd

    Finished the run at 4:48 so I was pretty pumped about that. I started out sprinting trying to see if I could hold it for the duration and I slowed a bit about 3/4 of the way but then picked it back up.

    The sit ups were unbroken but after 13 straight t2b, I was stuck at 5 all the way through. It was a good change of pace workout.

    I'm really excited to see how many people have been coming through the doors lately. It's just good to see everyone and catch up with each of your lives and how your doing. Keep coming.
  43. Gdawg Says:
  44. got my flight booked, same one as jess and brian, looking forward to the fun!!!
  45. Erica Says:
  46. DNF Rx'd....still had about 20 toes to bar when I was done. I stink at running, so prolly should've done option B so I could get everything in. But still pretty happy overall. Was knocking out about 5 TTB each time...they felt pretty good. Total Ab burner!!! It's fun working out at 6am now :)

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