Saturday 110625

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Three Partner Workout
For time:
300 Air Squats
2000 meters rowing
100 Ground to Overhead, 74#/53#

Two people can be working out at a time but one of those persons must be rowing at all times until the entire 2000 meters is completed. If at any point the rowing is done prior to the rest of the workout, two people can now tear away the what's left.

If there aren't enough people to make a team of three, reps will be adjusted.

Post team members and time to comments.

Rowing Technique

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2 Responses to "Saturday 110625"

  1. paul Says:
  2. press, 3x5: 135 (PR). Not sure I've even gotten 132x5 as a 5RM before!

    then AMRAP in 15 min:
    2 DL (315)
    4 burpees
    6 push press (55#)

    barely got 10 rds. this was much harder than i anticipated.
  3. BC Says:
  4. Did one of the games group's training wods from last week:

    10-9-8-7...1 power cleans/pullups.

    Rx'd was 75% body weight for cleans, I went closer to 60% (110#). This was significantly more difficult than I had anticipated (esp after the tough week we've had) and I started to regret this decision on about the round of 9. But I stuck it out and finished in an agonzing 11:40. I've earned a beer, and I will have it now.

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