Monday 110627

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Men vs. Women
3 rounds for time of (with a partner of the same sex):
40 Overhead Squats, 125#/87#
50 Pull ups
60 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
70 Double Unders
400 meter run

Post team members and time to comments/Logwod.

Men vs. Women Demo - [wmv][mov]

Stabilizing while Running

This is Team Week. We will be engaging in team workouts all this week. Don't shy away, embrace them. There will be a mixture of 2, 3, and 4 person team workouts. Share the load and have some fun doing so.

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27 Responses to "Monday 110627"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Can't come in tomorrow, but going to try to rope someone into doing this with me at work. Are both partners working at the same time? Sharing the work?
  3. Addi Says:
  4. P.S. I'm super excited for team workout week.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. Never mind! Just watched the video.
  7. Kelli Says:
  8. I'm super excited for this too! Though I see some scaling needed...if it took these monsters 27 minutes to do would take me an
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. this looks awesome! hopefully someone will take me at noon as their partner! see you then...
  11. Crystal Says:
  12. I love Team WODs! Really excited for this week. I feel team WODs push me harder than our regular WODs.
  13. BC Says:
  14. My favorite part of the video was Dave Castro not opening his hips all the way on OHS. My second favorite part was Dave Castro not opening his hips all the way on box jumps. My third favorite part was Dave Castro not getting his chin above the bar on pullups. Irony is neat.
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. 30:03 rx'd

    Nothing like getting slapped in the face first thing on a Monday Morning. This was a long grinder that sucked! 120 Overhead squats at 125# is insane. The rest of it wasn't that bad. Wasn't that great either, but not as bad as the OHS.

    Great working with you Nick! We got this! Next time!
  17. Unknown Says:
  18. Worked with my man Doc Clem this morning. 30:03 rx'd. I was dying on the last 400. We would have made it in the 30 minute cutoff, but I had a "weak heart" problem at the end. I think that workout ruined my whole day...
  19. BC Says:
  20. Teamed up with Andrew and we DNF'd @ 98# - 2 rounds plus 27 OHS - but it definitely wasn't due to lack of effort. Nice working with you Andrew.
  21. Unknown Says:
  22. I think my heart rate was at 185 bpm for 30 minutes. I felt like i was sprinting from a lion...
  23. Jess Says:
  24. I teamed up with Natalie this morning. We made it through 2 rounds plus 7 jumping pull ups. We used 39# for OHS.

    Awesome job Natalie. Your effort made me push myself even harder.

  25. Natalie Says:
  26. I worked with Jess this morning. She rocked it and carried our team all while carrying a fetus. That makes her a certified BAD ASS.
  27. BigD Says:
  28. Teamed up with Mike at 5AM. DNF w/98#. Got two rounds + 16 OHS. My knees were just not having any part of RX'd today. I guess if I can take anything positive away from this one is my doubleunders were much better than the last time we did this grinder. Good way to start the week.
  29. Shelley Says:
  30. Teamed up with Gina and got through 2 rounds plus 5 box jumps. I love team workouts too, and this was fun!!

    Great job Gina!!!
  31. Allison H :) Says:
  32. Buddy Buddy! Danielle and I did 53#. Tried to split reps by 10s, and 5's first round and then it all went to shit after that. Pretty much doing what reps we could counting back and forth until we got them done. UGH!!!

    I felt sick!

    DNF we were on our last round of pull ups, no idea what rep we were on... all I know it I was DELERIOUS!!!!

    great work Danielle and noon class!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 26:15 rx

    Teamed up with Jake for this one..... he did an awesome job! those ohs were brutal!

    need to work on my pull ups still, but this was a really fun and difficult work out. hope the rest this week are this much fun!

    good time working out with everyone at noon!
  35. CrossFit Omaha Says:
  36. This comment has been removed by the author.
  37. JonD Says:
  38. Great workout today, thought Pudgy's and Roja was coming up during those runs!

    Teamed with Ricky at noon today.
    OH Squats 4x10
    Pull ups 25x2, 25,18,7, 20,15,8,7
    Box Jumps 6x10
    Double unders 40,30 29,41, 35,35
    400m Hurtin, Crawlin, Fightin
  39. jakeH Says:
  40. 26:16 Rx'd with Pat.

    Im very pleased with this time and the effort we both put forth. Shoulder was bothering me on the OHS a bit, but managed to hit my target of 12 in the beginning each round.

    Usually I enjoy solo efforts more, but this was fun. We both were focused and didn't really stop moving. Good work Pat.
  41. Addi Says:
  42. Can't make it in today for a class, so I did this with my manager at work - she scaled to 45# OHS, jumping pullups, and 3:1 single-unders, and pushed through like a champ. We were on our second run at 30:00. This was a fun one to try to fit in the J's fitness center, and to tackle with a non-fitter. I have a feeling she'll be showing up at CFO this fall.
  43. Crystal Says:
  44. Way to go Tara! You were an awesome partner. Thanks for tackling the OHS! We used made it thru 6 box jump on round 3. Whew, I was so glad when time was called. Great job 6:30!
  45. JennG Says:
  46. Did this one with Kelli. We finished in 19:08 with the scaled reps and 200 meter runs. Was a little frustrated at first when "advised" to do a 200m rather than 400m, but was glad I was because we were able to finish & get a really good workout.

    Awesome job, partner!!
  47. Laura Says:
  48. Did this one with Tara at 4:30. We scaled OHS to 53# and did option B. I believe our time was 29:45. Thanks for pushing me on that last run girl! That was brutal!

  49. JennG Says:
  50. My Bad!!!

  51. paul Says:
  52. played around with the 20# vest. did pullups, ring dips, and OHS with 75# (plus the vest). everything felt good, until i noticed a huge bruise on my right hand...i'm pretty sure i almost pulled my finger out of its socket doing pullups. weird. not sure why that happened.
  53. Stacie Says:
  54. Did this one by myself this morning and attempted to rest as little as possible so I could keep up with Kyle K and Dustin. Cut everything exactly in half -
    22:32 rxd

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