For time:
50 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
50 Jumping Pull ups
50 Kettlebell Swings, 1/.75 pood
Walking Lunges, 50 steps
50 Toes 2 Bar
50 Push Press, 45#/33# bar
50 RDL's 45#/33# bar (bar to shin)
50 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Scaled reps are 35 or 20 per exercise. Cut-off is 22 minutes. If you make it to double unders, you will be allowed to finish workout. Ladies use trainer pood or 25# dumbbell for swings.
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Dustin during his wrestling days.
Dance Fever (Got Anderson?) starring Dustin Tovar of State Farm Fame. (Must have Facebook to view)
Post thoughts to comments.
I was in the middle of my 12th burpee when time was up.
Wall balls did me in on this one. I did most 3-4 at a time, and wall balls should normally be a strength of mine. My shoulders were on fire, but I should have gutted through this better.
Great work 6 am!!!
Donohoe out.
Little bit of everything and fun crowd @ noon today. Burpees after the wall balls were rough. Just happy to finish. Really good group today. Everybody put in some serious work.
Absolutely no slacking with Jason Brilz in house, but always fun.
Anyways... this was tough! Finished good old option A in 22:17. My goal was to be under that 22 min but I was on about 15 du's when the clock hit 22. Everything went really well in my opinion EXCEPT for wall balls and Burpees. Those two combined probably took about 7 min for me.
All in all it was a fun wod at noon as always. Coaches and athletes were all so encouraging.
I agree w/ Jake...GREAT non crowd. THere is a lot of competition in that class. I will be enjoying a rest day tomorrow!
Nice job 6am!
This did NOT go as planned. Box jumps felt like hell right out of the gate, and those are a strength for me. The only things that felt decent were push press (so light! so fast!) If I knew Neal was only going to beat me by 2 burpees, I might have been able to muster a little more speed at the end. Damn it.