Monday 110613

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Narrow Grip Bench Press - 2x15 (sets across)

followed by,

Within a 45 second time interval,
Sprint 100 meters
Complete as many air squat reps as possible

Rest 15 seconds. Repeat the cycle 7 times.

Narrow grip bench press is index fingers on smooth.

Post bench press weight + total air squats to comments/Logwod.

Kitty Kat. Hope all is well in Texas.

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12 Responses to "Monday 110613"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Fun one today!

    Bench 154x15, 154x12 (got close on 13th, but failed).

    Run/air squat: 130 squats.
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. Good times, Good Times.

    Bench 164 X 13, 132 X13 (Yep, eyes were bigger than my arms.

    Run/Squats: 113 squats....don't know how I could get more....oh, faster. ;-)

  5. Donohoe Says:
  6. Morning peps did great large class, I did 176 x15 two sets it got a little heavy after that I think i did 96 air squats.
    Donohoe out
  7. JonD Says:
  8. 176x15x9. Male egos!
    164# would have been perfect.

    128 reps on air squats
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 175x15x15 did that for JOE!

    147 air squats....

    This was fun.
  11. Shelley Says:
  12. I've got a pair of black Ristos if anyone wants them. I wear a women's size 8 1/2 or 9. They're at the gym, and I'll be there for 6:30 WOD tonight. They're still in pretty good shape though I've glued the heels a couple times.
  13. jessica Says:
  14. This was a good leg burner!


    Got 117 for the air squats!
  15. Stacie Says:
  16. 103 x 15 x 2

    143 squats

    Great job my bench crew :)
  17. Addi Says:
  18. 110 x 15 x 2
    Weight was just right.

    126 squats

    Sprints felt SLOW but squats were more consistent than usual.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Oooooooops meant 165.......
  21. Shelley Says:
  22. 103 x 15 x 2

    145 air squats (24,22,21,20,19,19,20)
  23. Laura Says:
  24. 69 x 15 x 2

    100 air squats

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