On the Minute
Perform 2 Power Cleans on the minute for 15 minutes.
In order for this to be a successful workout, you must use a fairly significant weight or use this time to really learn the movement. If you know what your 1-rep max is for the power clean, a percentage of 80-85% should suffice.
The weight should also be sets across. You will be given a time period to warm up to that weight and then encouraged to use that weight for all 15 rounds.
Post weight used to comments/Logwod.
Coach B explains the Power Clean
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5 a.m. was a big group again today.
Good work everyone!!
This workout WAS awesome. Wasn't sure I could do 198 all the way through, but I did. Now I wish I'd tried 203. 208 was a struggle the last time I tried it, but 198 felt great today. Challenging by the end, but never any real chance I'd miss a rep.
174# Straight Through
Nice work this morning 5am'ers!!
148# for 1-5 (85%)
153# 6-8
158# 9-15
These just felt on today. Whenever we do these 2 reps on the minute workouts, I never want to stop at 15 minutes. Could have done this all day. Love it.
1-10 99#
11-15 104# (PR)
Have to say I didn't even realize I PR'd until I was home. I really wanted to focus on my form and not allow my hips to go forward when I caught the bar. Probably could have done more weight but I feel very satisfied with the progress on my form.