High Bar Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Start with two empty bar sets of 5 reps followed by a loaded set of 3 reps and a loaded set of 2 reps before beginning your actual work sets. The work sets are progressive.
Watch the video closely to learn the differences between the low bar (our normally used variation) and high bar back squats. Notice bar and hand placement as well as mechanical differences between the two variations.
Post weights to comments/Logwod.
Explaining the differences between the low bar back squat and the high bar back squat.
Help us all learn by pointing out differences and posting them to comments. What do you see that is in stark contrast to how we usually squat?
Thanks Shane for being a good partner.
Donohoe out
Great working with ya, Gina.
Nice job 6am.
These felt very good today and very happy with how my knee is progressing.