Monday 110516

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Gymnastics Day
Revolving 15 Minute Clock
1. Warm-up & Station Explanation
2. Handstands/Handstand Push ups/Elevated HSPUs/ Parallette HSPUs/Free Standing HSPU/Wall Climbs/Handstand Walking
3. Rope Climbs/Rope Climbs w/ no feet/Weighted Rope Climbs
4. Rings - Push ups/Dips/Handstand Push ups/Muscle-ups

Read below to find out how class will run......

Post what you worked on during class to comments/Logwod.

Carl Paoli explains why hspu should be practiced chest to wall, pt. 1.

This is somewhat of an open session. The clock will be set and the whole class will move from the first station to the second and so on. The coach(es) will move about, answering questions, but you are expected to have a plan of how you will use each of your 15 minutes.

Everyone is at a different level when it comes to body control so there isn't a set class protocol. For example, some will attempt handstand push ups on parallettes where others will practice getting into a handstand for the very first time. If time is used wisely and we feel most got better at something, we may throw is into the rotation more often. On the other hand, if we walk around and don't practice something, we'll throw it out.

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15 Responses to "Monday 110516"

  1. svioli Says:
  2. I loved this! It was a nice change, and I hope we do it again!!
  3. Donohoe Says:
  4. Dear CFO,
    I think this was an awesome idea, it was great to recover from this weeekend and spend sometime on a set of skills that I absolutely need to work on. I would like a monthly work out like this in future programing.
    Donohoe is out...
  5. Mark Says:
  6. I am usually a big fan of these days but today I wasn't feeling it. It must just be an off day for me.

    One idea I had to change it a bit would be to save 15 mintues at the end of a class once a week to work specifically on gymnastics exercises. I remember a while back when a bunch of us would play around with handstands every night after the 5:30 class. Handstand walking 13 mats was my PR. Since work gets in the way of doing this after the 6AM class, perhaps building it in to the programming would getmore people involved in getting better at these.
  7. Natalie Says:
  8. I liked this format. I am terrible at all of these movements so extra practice and coaching was much appreciated.
  9. Anonymous Says:

    Deadlift - 5/3/1 3X5
    230, 269, 300X12 (Only Hit 10 Last Time) - Think that projects my max to 436ish

    Snatch - 3 Reps Unbroken On The Min
    110, 120, 130, 135, 145, 155, 160, 165... Last Was Pretty Tough

    Games Group Metcon But With Rope Climbs :)
    2 Rope Climbs (13')
    5 Push Presses (115#)
    6 Pistols (Alternating)
    * Only Had Time for 4 Rounds so push the pace
    RD 1 - 2 2/3 + 2 Pistols
    RD 2 - 2 2/3
    RD 3 - 2 2/3
    Rd 4 - 2 2/3
  11. paul Says:
  12. Pretty fun day. Didn't have much strength today. Did some kipping muscle-ups and ring dips (and failed to get a muscle-up with a 20# vest on). Then did a bunch of HSPU negatives, a few kipping HSPU, and a few wall climbs. Finally, rope climbs. A bunch of regular ones, one with no feet, and 2 or 3 with a 20# vest on.
  13. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  14. 2nd Maybe 3rd... Depends on whose counting...

    250m Row
    10 Burpees
    10 ROUNDS (Was estimating a 1:30 average pace so 15:00 Cutoff)
    * 14:30 *
    - Kept a pretty fast but smooth pace with a 1:45 row most of the time and no significant pauses on any RD of burpees

    Gymnastic, Sprints and a Heavy Wod Tomorrow
  15. ZachR Says:
  16. ...Nobody :)
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I enjoyed today a lot :-)
  19. O'Kief Says:
  20. This was like recess--lots of fun. Nice to focus on some of these things outside a metcon.

    Thanks to Ricky and Zachr I got my first strict muscle-ups. All I had to do was listen. Who knew?
  21. Paula Says:
  22. Greg- A huge congrats on your first strict muscle ups... Great job!
  23. Stacie Says:
  24. Not only a great time to hit up your weaknesses but also a nice change of pace. Yes please to more gymnastics classes!
  25. Addi Says:
  26. Congratulations, Greg!
  27. Shelley Says:
  28. I worked on strict HSPU's (started out with sets of 2 then went to one at a time when I started missing my second one) then tried to get some elevated from green plates but that didn't happen.

    Rope climbs are getting better; finally started using legs more and not so much just arms (my arms were dead after these though so I know I need to work on this)

    I worked on the second part of the muscle up using a box and pulling myself up from having knees on ground and toes on box to lock out position then worked on kipping ring dips. 4 in a row was the most I got, but my shoulders/arms were definitely feeling the effects of everything prior.

    I enjoyed this though as these are all areas I need work on.

    Congrats on strict muscle ups Greg!
  29. nmandresen Says:
  30. I liked the workout! I have never used the rings/ropes and never practice handstands. This was great for me to develop some core strength to eventually work into some of the tougher moves.

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