Two Minute Defense
5 rounds for time:
1 Power Clean
3 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Jerks
200 Foot Run
Rest 2 minutes, repeat for 5 more rounds.
Usually, this workout uses a weight of 132/92 but today, we're going with 154#/104#. The run is to the front of the building and back.
Post total time to comments/Logwod.
Jake Hinkle
But, you will do 1 power clean then 3 hang squat cleans, 2 jerks, followed by a sprint to the front of the building and back. This sequence, you will do 5 times in a row.
You'll then rest 2 minutes and repeat.
You will have done the sequence a total of 10 times.
Great job 6am
6am was large and in charge today with 20+ athletes!
That being said, traveling again all this week so I'll be working off my own program, watching what I eat and drink, and looking forward to seeing you ass-kickers next week!
Great work 6 am. class!! I've missed you guys!
Ditto what others have said about using logwod. We should all be logging our workouts to track progress.
Full Clean and Jerk (1RM - Low Volume - 8 Sets)
110, 154, 198, 220, 242, 258 (Miss), 258 (Make).. 8 lbs more than last week plus the jerk
Front Squat - 3X3 (85-88% 1RM)
135, 185 X2
230, 235, 235
Muscle Ups - Quickening the Pace
2 Consecutive Reps @ 30 sec clock
10 RDS... Do as many as needed to complete 10... Ended up with 13 cause I lost grip on 1 and just plain messed up on two others... 23 Total Reps
Some assistance work...
DB Rows (50#)
Toes To Bar
* Took About Probably 8-9 mins
Tire Flips tonight! Ha
I rx and because of the lack of rakckability I have I did 4 hangcleans 3 squat and to jerks.
I finished in 1305. The second round was 1 minute faster than the first. I would like another shot at this one I didnt hit a rythm til the end of the first round.
Donohoe out.....
I know I did this in '09, but I've forgotten my logwod password so i can't look it up.
Runs felt slow (couldn't make a fast turn in that gravel - that was treacherous!) but the bar complex felt fast - I <3 bar complexes.
Runs were slow, but everything else unbroken. I forgot how much the heat changes the workout and its only the beginning.
2nd WOD
3 Heavy Ass Tire Flips (750#?)
12 Hand Release Push Ups
9 Tire Jumps (Used a different tire out there so 24-27"?)
* 8:11 *
- Kept a steady pace and re-chalked when needed... Tire Kept Slipping Off My Shoulder and I have some nasty tire rash...
I completely agree with what Eric said about the importance of logging your workouts. It's such a great motivator and boost to your self esteem to look back at the progess you've made. Case in point, in Oct '09 I did this workout in 14:37 starting with 132# but dropping down and finishing at 120#. So for me to PR by 90 seconds AND 12# made me feel pretty good. But then I found something else in my notes - the first time I ever did this wod was June '08 (back at UNO) and my time was 17:24 using 74#! What I did today was over 4 minutes faster and 58# heavier! That's just stupid! I'm going to paraphrase Ricky's great quote from the CFO summit - every day we need to try to be a better version of ourselves. I'm pretty sure the 37 year old me could wipe the floor with the 34 year old me, and I would never have known that without logging my workouts. So use the blog, logwod, a spiral notebook or whatever you prefer and keep track of what you do, and I promise over time you will surprise yourself.
Feeling pretty good about myself right now so that means the door is open of Addi to come in and crush my ego.
Good job to Brian and the rest of the PR's today!
used 77# 14:55
runs were slow! Thank goodness for the 2 minutes of rest!
8:20 rxd
Thanks for putting up with my sassy ass Jimbo. I need you - you make me stronger both mentally & physically! Thank You.
Great post BC & awesome work everyone! Love the heat!!
Great work 5am!
Agreed....Awesome post BC!!!!