Wednesday 110420

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
CrossFit Games Open 11.5
As many rounds/reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Power Cleans (145#/100#)
10 Toes 2 Bar
15 Wall Balls (20# to 10'/14# to 9')

The weight for masters men is 130# and 20# to 9'. For masters women is 75# and 10# to 9'.

Post total rounds/reps to comments/Logwod.

Andy Gomel

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25 Responses to "Wednesday 110420"

  1. Paula Says:
  2. 11.6 is now out as well....As many reps in 7" of thrusters and chest to bar pullup!

    See you in a bit to cheer you all on!!!!
  3. paul Says:
  4. Also sweet! I like these WODs. Of course, I'll probably be singing a different tune when I actually do them...
  5. Mark Says:
  6. Ouch! That one was pretty rough, especially after doing Tuesday's WOD at 6AM. I got through 8 rounds and 4 cleans. Toes to bar killed me but wall balls I was able to do all unbroken. Awesome crowd tonight!! I am loving these late night gatherings of the CFO community. We should do them more often after the CrossFit Open is over.
  7. BigD Says:
  8. 5 rounds and through 8 wall balls of round 6. Was on a good pace through 4 rounds, then both calves decided to cramp like crazy. Dehydration is NOT fun. Thanks Steve for counting and the stuff for my calves. Thanks Jason for helping me stretch. And to all that had to hear my scream like a 3 year-old as my calves went full contraction, I apologize. But it was great seeing a huge group tonight. Looking forward to next week!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Sounds like I missed some fun!

    9 rds and 1 power clean. Quite happy with that. I was on pace for 10 rds until the halfway point, and then it got mighty tough to keep breathing. I'm very proud of that last clean...i pretty much collapsed after the 9th rd of wall balls, but Eric started yelling at me and I saw I had 7 second left, and so I said "F- it" and did the clean. Then I collapsed good and proper. I could barely move for about 5 minutes.
  11. JimmyG Says:
  12. Ouch! 7 rounds, 10 T2B, and 6 WBs. My right quad is all cramped up today. Great Job to everyone last night. I agree that we should have more mini-competitions more often after the opens.
  13. Jess Says:
  14. 3 rounds plus 3 power cleans

    Great job 6am peeps and way to keep at it, Gina!

  15. Natalie Says:
  16. When I grow up I want to be just like you guys! I'm blown away by the heart put into this competition. I did 8 rds + 2 PC using 53# and doing knees to elbows. Thanks to Celeste for lying to me the whole time and telling me I was almost done. :-)
  17. Kat Says:
  18. Love the Tuesday night games compititions! A big shout out to Shelley for bein my designated counter and motivator! I owe ya girl!
    9 rnds + 5 power cleans.
    Did all cleans unbroken(well a few rnds I reset each rep but no brakes), all wall balls unbroken.
    T2B did 2 rnds unbroken then went to 6/4 for the rest of the rnds. I have no clue if i could do any better, I really pushed myself and the last 3 minutes of this wod were brutal! I was ready to just stop moving but Shelley and her damn eye contact and her yelling at me made me keep moving!
  19. Crystal Says:
  20. Awesome job last night! what a fun time. Thanks Megan for counting and yelling at me. Good luck to everyone today!

    5rnds+5 PC+3 T2B
    toes to bar were rough. did all 10 first round, bad idea. wall balls were like rest. did first round unbroken and did 10 & 5 for the last rounds. PC's did one at at time. i'm sore today!
  21. Eric C Says:
  22. 9 Rounds even. Wow this was a grinder! I felt pretty good until round 5 or 6 and then I just couldn't catch my breath. T2B sucked. Paul gave me a great tip about changing my grip from finger to palm back to finger grip to help with forearm fatigue. It really helped. I usually only use a finger grip (to reduce palm tears/rips). That was gone after round 3. Thanks for yelling at me Paul!

    Great work 6am! There were a lot of completely gassed people after this one!
  23. J Andresen Says:
  24. 7rds 5pc 7t2b I may give it another go this weekend. Good job 5amers.
  25. Paula Says:
  26. You guys really dug deep and pulled out some unbelievable performances last night!!! You have to have A LOT of heart and a strong mind to continue on for 20" of this kind of wod! Props to Dave L. whose calfs were cramping up but continued on! Inspiring! Way to go, Dave!!! You could see the pain in some many faces and you could read them "You got to be f***ing kidding me....10" left?!?!?"

    I going to attempt this one tomorrow am!! Yikes!
  27. BigD Says:
  28. I'll be there cheering you on Paula!
  29. jakeH Says:
  30. 10 rnds + 3 wall balls.

    very tough WOD especially after hang squat cleans and games workout on Monday. Pacing and grip are key in this workout. Good luck to all who do this WOD. 20 minutes goes by fast.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Hang Power Clean
    - 2RM - Tried Not to Drop But Lost It On Last Set
    * 154, 185, 209, 225, 240

    Front Squat - 2,2,1,1,1
    135, 225, 245, 255, 265 (10 More lbs than last week

    Short Metcon... 11.6 ish
    Push Press (155#)
    CTB Pull Ups
    * 4 Min AMRAP *
    - Got through the round of 7 and 7 Push Presses into RD 8... Got Heavy Fast... Missed 3-4 Reps
  33. Laura Says:
  34. 5 rounds + 4 PC rx'd
    The PC's are definitely going to leave a mark.
  35. Unknown Says:
  36. 6 rounds + 4 PCs, rx'd
    I think maybe I should have gone a little faster. I like AMRAPs!

    --Jess J.
  37. Donohoe Says:
  38. I did 6 rounds +5 power cleans. the Toes to bar killed me the rest was not too bad.
    Everyone at 6 am got after it..
    Donohoe out
  39. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  40. Think I have the perfect (well at least for me) strategy for this WOD..
    1:45 per round will get you to RD 11 with 2:30 left on the clock... So tried this strategy out...

    5 Power Cleans (145#)
    10 Toes To Bar
    15 Wall Ball (20#)
    5 ROUNDS with Each RD Starting Every 1:45... Did all five rounds at a stready pace in about 1:03-1:10... Felt Good... Think I'll give it a try on Saturday..
  41. BC Says:
  42. 6 rounds, 5 pc's. Worst games wod by far. Nice job 5:30, and thanks for the support, it definitely makes a difference!
  43. Jen Allison Says:
  44. A big thanks to the noon class that stuck around to let me finish today's WOD. Yall put in some killer performances and I appreciate you sticking around to cheer. Sorry I had to jet so fast calls! I did 7 rounds and a pretty nice bruise on my collar bone from the PCs. Bonus! haha
  45. hannah eileen Says:
  46. 6 rds + 5 t2b. turns out, I can do toes to bar. I didn't know that I could.
  47. Allison H :) Says:
  48. 5 rds, 1 pc rx'd - 151 reps
  49. lynn Says:
  50. 8 rds + 5 PC's. 77# and knees to chest. Thanks Brian C for all the help and encouragement!

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