Rest Day
Amanda performing some legit toes 2 bar.
Health begins in the womb - and even before by Chris Kresser, Healthy Skeptic
"For example, if the mother’s nutritional status is poor during pregnancy, the fetus might develop metabolic adaptations that would allow it to store more calories (the “thrifty phenotype” hypothesis). This would have been a protective mechanism that could increase the chances of survival if that fetus was born into an environment where calories were scarce."
Post thoughts to comments.
Good article, and quite timely for Jess and me. Now if only Jess could overcome her constant battle with nausea.
10 back squats (185)
12 pushups
was going to go heavier, but wasn't feeling it today. This got my heart beating, but I recovered pretty quickly each round.
I really enjoyed reading the article. Thanks for posting it, Ricky. I am very frustrated because everything that I use to eat is making me sick at this point in time. I am struggling to get any food down at all. I am hoping this will pass soon. :(
Any mothers out there have any advice for me???
80 reps; not particularly happy with this but given the fact that CTB is a huge weakness, it's probably not surprising... I did all CTB as singles and didn't break up any thrusters so breathing was not the issue. I was never winded, but grip did become an issue.
On the positive side, I did 5 sets of strict HSPU's afterwards and was able to do 3 strict in the first 4 sets and only 2 in last set. Previously, I had never been able to do more than 2 strict in a row.
Jess - I know I'm not a mom, but have you tried wrapping everything in bacon? It can't hurt... (I'm just full of helpful hints for you today.)