Open Gym All Classes
Come and make up a workout, take another crack at 11.4, or just to hang out with some friends.
Here are the new squat racks we are getting (minus the bench) for the gym. I placed the order yesterday and they get shipped on Monday.
If you haven't heard already, we would like everyone to save the date, May 14th. We have a very special event taking place that Saturday starting at 10AM that we'd love for you and your whole family to attend. Be on the lookout for an email explaining everything.
Until then, please visit our Facebook page for the rough details. It will surely be an event you will not want to miss.
CrossFit Omaha's Facebook Fan Page
Check our Facebook page for the details of this event. Its all listed there.
I left my black pleather jacket from forever 21 at the gym with a gorgeous black and gray scarf with silver lining from kenneth cole. I'm super bummed I lost em, I looked all over but didn't see em there the other day when I came in. If u have seen my beloved above mentioned clothing items, or know who is holding onto em for me, could u let me know or give em to one of the trainrers? Thanks! I appreciate it!
Have a great Saturday!
225# DL
ring dips (muscle-up to rings)
was going to finish out down to 1 rep sets, but didn't have it in me today.
i'm very impressed by everyone who did 11.4 a second time. i'm not ready to face that again.
62 Rx'd.
Great job, Jimmy! & thanks for counting for me!
I told you it was 8x2 of snatch when it should have been 4x2. I know I needed the extra work so it was probably ok. Thanks for the tips/feedback on snatch. These felt better/smoother than what they normally feel like. I did first 5 sets at 87# and last 3 at 92#.
At least I didn't have us doubling the amount of running.........that sucked!
5 rounds
3 DL, 275#
6 Strict Pull ups (or 3 Muscle Ups)
9 Ball Slams, 45#
Didn't time it but probably took around 15 minutes.
Hang Snatch - 6X1 - Started around 80-85% of my Hang Max (195#)
155, 175, 185, 190 (Miss), 190, 180
Deadlift (5/3/1) - 75, 85, 95%
251X5, 286X3, 315X9 - Moves my rep max up to 407... Considering I was struggling with 308 for sets of 3 a month ago I'll take this for sure...
Haven't spent any time on the rower lately so...
250m Row Sprints (Goal to keep a consistent fast pace)(5 sets)
** 2 Min Clock **
47.2, 47.0, 47.0, 46.6, 45.6
- All felt way fast and easy which was surprising... Held a 1:32-33 pace outside of the first 3-4 pulls every time...
Only want to try the last two qualifiers once and change focus to regionals since I really doubt I'll drop 35 spots in two weeks... Keep the strength work up and start hitting weaknesses harder...
94 reps. Got to ms ups at w 1:20 left. Only had 84 reps on the first attempt. (I knew I dogged it a little).