Friday 110422

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Warm-up 5, 3, 2.

Post weights to comments/Logwod.

The new squat racks make the gym resemble more of what it really is, a strength and conditioning facility. Wait till you see them in person.

We are going to beat the heck out of these things so Joe and I ask you to please do your part in helping make sure they last a very long time.

Also, the racks aren't bolted to the floor so please keep all pull ups to the strict, dead-hang variety. Thanks.

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9 Responses to "Friday 110422"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. Lovin' the new squat racks!
    164# today. Took three attempts to get it. Some good weight being thrown up at 5AM!
  3. Mark Says:
  4. 203# today with a little left in the tank. If my wrists weren't killing me I would have gone for 208#. Next time for sure.

    OHS are tough and it was awesome seeing people throw up some good weight this morning!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Did 11.5 this a.m. and got 8 rounds plus 6 wall balls for 261 reps. I was disappointed on this one.....T2B can "suck it" as Kat would say!

    I had done part of this Tuesday night and got 5 rounds with 10:12 left and was not on that pace after 5 rounds today.

    One more left!!!
  7. Jess Says:
  8. 68#, missed the third rep on 2 sets

    Nice working with ya, Tara and Gina! It always makes for good entertainment. ;)

    Great job 6am.

  9. Allison H :) Says:
  10. 77# !!! yay! totally wasn't expecting that! thanks for encouragement jen and danielle! you guys rocked it too!

    and i LOVE <3 the new squat racks! much easier to adjust and so fancy!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 131x3, should've tried 136, but I didn't because I was lazy.

    My shoulders were TIRED from doing this yesterday:
    3 rds
    30 kb swings
    25 push press
    20 jumping pullups
    8:54 rx'd

    Also did tabata row, got 789 meters. Set the damper on 10, should've gone lower, would've probably gotten more out of it.
  13. ZachR Says:
  14. I too am a fan of the new racks.

    174# x 3

    I was very pleased with the weight and how my knee felt afterward. Great job today Zack and Pete.
  15. Kelli Says:
  16. Anyone who is interested, swing out to Lincoln tomorrow to watch Josh Kahrs and I in the NE State Powerlifting Competition. Lifting begins at 9am and I expect it to go to about 3pm (maybe longer depending on how many lifters there are). Its at Calvary Community Church: 4400 N. 1st (1st and Superior St).
  17. nmandresen Says:
  18. 76# ohs so excited to have used the greens on my last working set! Hurt my wrists but felt great.

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