Saturday 110319

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
We have a number of things going on this morning that I think a lot of you should wake up and make it out for. As you know, over the next, well, now 5 weeks, all Saturday classes will be open gym. This means that you are free to come in and do any number of workouts or address your weaknesses even. Here is what we have for you this morning:

Option #1 - All classes
CrossFit Triathlon

For time:
150 Double Unders
1K Row
1 Mile Run

Option #2 - All classes (additional 10:50 class as well)
CrossFit Games Open Workout #1

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches, 75#/55#

Option #3 - 10:10AM Class Only (until we finish)
CrossFit Total

Back Squat, 1RM
Shoulder Press, 1RM
Dead-lift, 1RM

You will be given 3 single rep attempts at each lift. Each lift will be contested after all three attempts of the previous lift have been contested. The order that each person will lift in will run from lightest weight to heaviest weight (weight on the bar will never go backwards)

Post your results to comments/Logwod.

If you want to read the rules, click here.

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22 Responses to "Saturday 110319"

  1. JimmyG Says:
  2. CFO Teammates,

    I just posted a few photos from the wed evening classes as well as the beer and burpee workout. They are up on my Facebook page. You should be able to just view them, but if not, send me a friend request. If you'd like a higher resolution copy sent to you via e-mail, just let me know. also if you don't like a picture that is up I will gladly take it down upon your request.

    See you all for the CF Total tomorrow!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Unfortunately I had something come up tomorrow morning and am now unable to attend the CF Total workout. Not very happy about it, but my hands are tied. Hopefully I cancelled early enough to allow someone else the spot to participate.
  5. paul Says:
  6. A while back (2 years maybe?) Ricky posted a question about situps, about whether they are worth doing. Back then, I remember saying they didn't seem to do much, and you could get more mid-line stability from heavy squats and deadlifts and OHS, etc. I have changed my tune on this. I now think situps are pretty important and do something to protect your back that you can't get from things like squats and DL (but you can from knees to elbows and situps on the GHD, etc.). I think this because I tweaked my back last week and I think situps are helping rehab it more than anything. We'll see, I guess. But I also think it never would've happened if I'd been doing more situps. When I really focus on keeping my lower abs tight, my back pain subsides.

    Anyway, today I did a little quartet to work on endurance and to rehab the back:

    3 rds
    10 DL (176)
    20 situps
    10 double-pushup burpees
    20 walking lunges (20# DBs)

    more of a lung-burner than i expected it to be. or maybe i'm just in worse shape than i think i am...
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. 9 rounds for time of:
    9 KB swings, 2pd
    9 Ball Slams, 20#
    9 Pushups

  9. Shelley Says:
  10. Crossfit triathlon:

    16:24 Rx'd

    Great job everyone on the first games WOD! It was fun to cheer everyone on!!
  11. JennG Says:
  12. Went in this morning and did the games wod. Stayed and watched the next two classes.
    This was so much fun! It was almost like a re-charge. It's easy to get frustrated & discouraged in classes because you get so focused on your own abilities or inabilities, so it was very beneficial to get watch some of the great athletes in our gym. They make the movements look so easy. Talking with them and learning how far they've come since they started at CFO helps to keep things in perspective. So good for the soul. I'm really glad to be part of this gym/community.
  13. BigD Says:
  14. Saw some big weights being thrown up for the CrossFit Total.
    Did the Games week one WOD. 4 rounds + 21 DUs. thanks for sticking around and counting for me Mark!
    CrossFit, the cure for the common cold...
  15. Paula Says:
  16. FYI....I just saw on the games site that the deadline for the first games wod is now extended to sunday the 27th due to IT issues. They want to make sure everyone is able to register under the right team, ect....So, the next wod is not going to be announced until Tues. March 29th.
  17. BC Says:
  18. 2nd attempt at CF Games Wod 1 - 4 rds, 5 du's. This is a 10 rep improvement over my 1st attempt (3 rds, 30 du's, 10 snatches). I'm happy that I was able to get past 4 rounds, and I honestly don't think I had anything left to give on this one. Great job by everyone this morning, amazing and inspiring displays of effort by all.
  19. Shelley Says:
  20. I think extending another week is BS! I'm traveling the last weekend of April, and originally this worked with the schedule. Now, I will come back and have to do the 6th WOD when I was planning on being done before the trip.

    Last year, you might have 2 hours notice before the WOD; IT problems or not, this seems ridiculous!!! Granted, my reasoning might seem selfish, but I'm betting there are many others whose schedules aren't going to accomodate changing the rules as we go....
  21. Shelley Says:
  22. I meant Easter weekend which is weekend before last weekend in April
  23. B3nj4m1n Says:
  24. 5 rss. Had a lot of fun today! It was great working with Eric C. And Adam Brock. Saw lots of great performances for the games wod and the people doing the total. Already excited for the next work out.
  25. Crystal Says:
  26. Did the CrossFit Total today. Total was 486.
    Squat 154#, Press 70#, Deadlift 262

    Pretty happy with this. Wasn't really sure where I was at so picking a weight to start each one was little tough. No PR's today. Great job everyone on the total and those who did the games WOD. Have a great rest of the weekend!
  27. JimmyG Says:
  28. I participated in the CF Total today and had a blast! It had been a while since I tested a 1RM for any of the lifts and I ended up setting new PRs in all three lifts! 401 Squat, 147 Press, and 428 Deadlift. I know that the strength classes have a lot to do with my accomplishments today.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Guess I'm trying the 1st WOD again later this week... Stupid Move...

    Lift plus main site from yesterday...

    Tall Clean - Light then 2 heavy Singles - 185, 205

    DL - 3X5,3,1 (242, 273, 309X6)
    Press - 3X5,3,1 (115, 135, 151X4)

    Main Site
    10 L Pull Ups (Had to use a leg raise instead)
    15 Push Ups
    15 CTB Pull Ups
    15 Push Ups
    20 Pull Ups
    15 Push Ups
    3 ROUNDS (Supposed to be 4 but didn't notice until I checked it again)
    * 15:24 *

    PC and Stability Work Afterward
  31. Addi Says:
  32. Nice little Saturday...

    Open WOD #1 - 6 rds + 30 DUs + 2 snatches

    This was about what I was expecting, and I'm happy with how it went. Thanks for judging, Megan, and for the supplemental yelling, Shelley! Helped a lot. Also, thanks to Megan and Jen A. for letting me yell at you. You both did great! And I like yelling.

    Additional thanks to Joe for not pissing me off at Farmhouse. And to Brian for giving me someone to pick on.
  33. paul Says:
  34. I agree, Shelley--partly because I'm traveling that week too, and might have to get the 6th WOD validated in San Diego. Also, what friggin IT problems? Seems like everyone's getting their scores in (again and again).
  35. Tovar Says:
  36. Good job today everyone! It was nice seeing all the encouragement and motivation going on in the gym.

    I just want to say to all those that aren't satisfied with their performance, don't be afraid to go back in tomorrow and do it again. I believe that Ricky is opening the gym at 11:00am for those that want one more attempt at the workout.

    And don't be afraid to do the workout two days in a row as if this were a traditional sectional, regional, or games competition where you would typically do 4 to 6 workouts in two days time. If you go back in right away you know exactly how it feels and what you need to do to improve. Also, the sooner you go back in and do it the less variables that come into play (ie. sleep, diet, work, stress).

    I can also say from personal experience that I always seem to have improved fitness when I get back from a competition such as sectionals and regionals where we do several workouts in one weekend. It seems to deepen you a bit. So again don't be afraid to do it two consecutive days in a row as we are trained for this shit and it will only make you better.

    I know everyone is different but this seemed to workout great for me. I did the wod last night and then again this morning and improved quite a bit. Just a thought.

    Can't wait to see what they throw at us next!
  37. Tovar Says:
  38. P.S. If you don't improve the second or third time around who cares. At least you tried and now you know. I wasn't satisfied with my performance last night and woke up this morning determined to give it another shot.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. If the gym is open tomorrow is there any way I can come in and do the Total since I missed it today?
  41. Jen Allison Says:
  42. Addi, you can yell at me anytime! Today was great! It was a fun first exposure to CF competition and getting to see some new faces as well. Looking forward to the next one...2 WEEKS FROM NOW?? I agree with Shelley!
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. Sunday Workout... Debating on whether to workout again tomorrow so I didn't do too much

    Muscle Ups - Messed around with no false grip and turning out... Can get consistent sets of 2 but not 3 yet... 8 sets

    Power or Full Clean - 1 rep every 30 secs... Started at 175, only 5-10# jumps allowed... 3 misses max
    185, 195, 205, 210, 220, 225, 230, 235, 240 (1 Miss), 240, 245 (1 Miss), 245, 250 (Miss)... :$

    Tabata DU's - Kept messing up so my best was 45 and worst was 31... Yikes

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