As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Strict Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
Post total rounds plus reps to comments/Logwod.
Killer At Large Trailer. This is a documentary that covers a wide variety of topics such as fast food, vending machines in our schools, food addictions, advertising, etc.
Here is a link to the the full documentary as well as one to Fed Up! as well:
Killer At Large
Fed Up!
6 amers were looking good today!
Good stuff Ben.
Awesome work, nooners! Tara, I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself getting out of the bands.
scl'd to opt B
3 strict PUs with blue band
8 push ups (elevated w/ bumpers)
12 air squats
good one! :)
Good making it back to a Noon class....see you Morning Monsters tomorrow!
12 rnds + 9 push ups
Arms are super sore and wobbly but felt great last night!