Friday 110311

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Press 3x5 (heavy sets across)

Warm-up 5, 5, 3, 2. If you were successful last time, add 5 pounds, if not, give your last attempted weight one more try. Track your progress.

Post weight to comments/Logwod.

Compare to 110218.

Chris Baldwin & Greg O'Kief

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10 Responses to "Friday 110311"

  1. JonD Says:
  2. Hey guys a few reminders!

    1. Our clothes are in so if you want to come up during your class and pick them up that would be great, also we will be here all day so if you want to pop in thats ok too.

    2. Beer and Burpees is next Friday, get your teams together and remember it does not have to be from CFO, you can create your own team from outside the gym! 2 guys 2 girls.

    3. CrossFit Total is also next Saturday at 10:10am. If you would like to see how you stack up with Squat, Press, and Deadlift this is your opportunity!

    4. Remember sign up for our team online for sectionals. You will be doing the workouts anyways so throw your 10$ in and support your gym. Too much fun to miss out.

    Well I think that is all so if you have questions let me know and we can clear things up. Open up the schedule people a lot of fun things going on!
  3. Mark Says:
  4. 147 x 5,5,4 again!!! Last time I did this too. I can't seem to get that last rep :(

    Anyone looking for a team for Burpees and Beer next Friday? Who all is participating? Last year was SOOOOO much fun and I am pumped for doing it again this year!
  5. Jess Says:
  6. 53 x 5,5,8

    Great working with ya, Gina. You will get it next time. ;u)

  7. Eric C Says:
  8. O'kief and I have our team registered via facebook. I didn't see anyone else.

    What's up with that?
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. Eric, settle down. There's still a few days to register. ha.

    I never thought I'd say this after a press, but that was awesome! My shoulder doesn't hurt at all. I finished with 65#. My last set, I got 8 reps (just to be a showoff). Great job nooners! Thanks for working out with me Hira and Lindsey.

    Have a great weekend, y'all!
  11. B3nj4m1n Says:
  12. Simmer down now Eric, we still have to register too.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 5/3/1 - DL and Press

    DL - 225, 255, 290X9 Reps
    Press - 110, 126, 141X6 Reps

    Main Site From Yesterday.. But Scaled up ... UNBROKEN CTB Pull Ups... Min on the Min Until Unable to Keep grip or finish reps...
    - Made it to 14RDS + 11 Pull Ups... Couldnt Keep Enough Grip to Get CTB anymore

    1600m Run - For Time
    Took it out fast which wasn't smart but still hit 5:35
  15. ZachR Says:
  16. 130# x 3 x 5

    Also got my first free standing handstand pushup!
  17. B3nj4m1n Says:
  18. 3x5 at 142. Fun times at 5:30. Hope everyone is ready for black lung tomorrow.
  19. J Andresen Says:
  20. 49# 5,5,4 (4.5) sooo close!
    Stick with 49 next time..but dominate it! ha

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