Monday 110221

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
Buy In: 60 Double Unders
3 rounds of:
10 Power Clean & Split Jerks, 154#/104#
20 Pull ups
Buy Out: 60 Double Unders

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Anyone know Ian Kennedy? For starters, he's only 13.5 years old and has been a member along with his mom for about 6 months or so. You should get to know him, he's one tough crossfitter.

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17 Responses to "Monday 110221"

  1. Shane Says:
  2. I've met Ian...and I guarantee I wasn't doing anything like this when I was 13. Keep after it, Ian!
  3. Addi Says:
  4. I love seeing Ian at the gym - always a smile (except during goblet lunges, apparently), and always outworking the rest of us slouches.
  5. Stacie Says:
  6. You da man Ian! Keep it up!!
  7. Unknown Says:
  8. Ian is the man!! positive kid, getting positive lifestyle choices at an early age. I had so much fun motivating him to finish this!
  9. Unknown Says:
  10. Keep up the great work Ian. You're a stud!
  11. paul Says:
  12. I wish I'd been doing crossfit at 13!

    16:00 rx'ed. Couldn't keep up with Eric or Mark. Someday... This was a great one, though. Really good to work on split jerk technique during a metcon.
  13. Mark Says:
  14. 13:52 Rx'd. The clean and jerks really took the wind out of you. On the last rounf I was doing 2 at a time just to try to keep moving. Nice work 6AM! This one was a tough grinder
  15. Tovar Says:
  16. I agree with everyone above as I have seen Ian workout several times. I've also had the pleasure of talking to Ian on a couple of different occassions. What a hard worker and what a friggin stud!
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. Ian, keep it up. Chics dig crossfitters.

    14:05 rx'd Nice and Heavy. Good rectus femoris burn.
  19. Amanda Says:
  20. Great work morning classes. A fun workout, everyone did very well. The clean and split jerk is something we don't do a lot, it was good to see big groups this morning exposing themselves to a new/uncommon movement.

    Ian! I took Ian and his mom, Shannon, through their free trial session about 6 months ago and he was an animal on day one. I love his enthusiasm and effort. A perfect example for other CrossFitters! I enjoy seeing him in at 6am randomly when he doesn't have school. Go Ian!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Weighted Pull Ups - Trying for a new 3RM - 33, 55, 65 - 5# PR

    Clean Technique - Really working knees out - Up to 185

    Front Squat - Felt heavy so only hit 225X5 and 236X5... PR is 251

    HSPU's - More volume than last week
    Every Min on the Min for 10 Mins

    GH Sit Ups - 50 For time
    - 2:47... At least I'm still feeling it in my legs and not my back but were painfully slow after rep 30
  23. Alicia Says:
  24. I have seen Ian work out as well and he's got a lot of fire! Great job Ian!
  25. Unknown Says:
  26. Thanks for all the awesome comments. You guys rock
  27. Kelli Says:
  28. Heck yeah Ian! Glad to have you at Crossfit Omaha!

    I DNF'd this one. Did 77# 12 pullups. I got through 16 DUs before time was called. Phew I am shaking from that one!
  29. Jess Says:
  30. DNF for me. Scaled the C&Js to 77# and did jumping pull ups

    This was a tough one. Great job noon peeps!

  31. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  32. I have seen Ian at xfit also, keep up the great work.

    14:01 with 77#. The weight felt good.
  33. hannah eileen Says:
  34. scaled to 53# finished at 11:51

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