Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Warm-up: 5, 3, 3, 2. With the speed lifts (clean, jerk, snatch), max effort doesn't necessarily equate to favorable adaptations such as witnessed with the slow lifts (squat, dead-lift, press). With the slow lifts, focusing on max effort is of supreme importance whereas speed and, ultimately, technique are the goals you should strive for with the snatch and clean & jerk.
If you're feeling it, set a pr but you would do yourself as much good using weights that fall within 80-90%1RM and practicing speed and POWER and honing in your technique!
Post weights lifted to comments/Logwod.
Tessa gets help from Jon during yesterday's dead-lifts.
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Legitimate PR. I've gotten this weight before, but the lockout and technique were questionable at times, and I think I almost dipped down into a full catch. Felt really good today, I don't think I even got this weight on full clean last time I tried. I missed on 198 on set 3, but just angry at the bar for the last 2 sets for that extra boost to get it up there. Haha.
Good work at 5AM guys!
You're a frickin' beast Nick!
Nice work 5AM!
10ish short of a PR, but probably the best technique I've had at that weight. Any heavier and I think it would have gone straight to slop. Thanks for the hint on the knees, Amanda - helped a lot!
HSPU practice today - 3 sets of strict doubles. Starting to get a little more consistent.
Mobility and flexibility---hardest part for me. Thanks Amanda for the website mobility.com. I have already found exercises to help one of my biggest weaknesses shoulder flexibility.
88, 110, 154 - Warm Ups - Doubles
165, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195... All Singles... Missed 195 a few times... Plenty of pull I'm just waiting too long to start my pull under the bar... Im going to pull some tall snatch and snatch balance work in at least once every 5 days on top of my regular snatch work and snatch pulls
Reverse BB Lunges - 3X5EA (185# last time)
165, 185, 195
Messed around with muscle ups and the grip alteration now allows me to turn out without any issues..
Probably messed around with 10-15 reps then tried this...
Max Muscle Ups in 3 Mins... Hit 17, but I missed two and my best for 20 reps is 3:32 so definitely progress...
300 Yard Shuttle Runs on the BB Court... actually alittle longer than that... Used the opposite free throw line which is an extra 5 feet of running each trip X 12 trips so probably would have been sub-60 secs on each... 90 secs rest between
1st - 63 secs
2nd - 64 secs
3rd - 63 secs