Tuesday 101228

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
5 rounds, each for time of:
90 yard Shuttle (10B, 15B, 20B)

Full recovery between efforts.

Post fastest and slowest time to comments/Logwod.

Planet Fitness's, The Judgment Free Zone

As the most innovative health club brand in the United States, Planet Fitness is known for a lot of things – our absurdly low prices, our Lunk™ Alarm, and most of all perhaps, for our Judgment Free Zone® philosophy, which means members can relax, get in shape, and have fun without being subjected to the hard-core, look-at-me attitude that exists in too many gyms.

Read their mission statement HERE.

Explore their site and post to comments what you think about their judgment free zone, their Lunk Alarm, and their overall philosophy.

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32 Responses to "Tuesday 101228"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. Wait, Planet Fitness says they want an atmosphere of "Judgement Free" but their "Lunk Alarm" is basically getting you kicked out for grunting while working out? Sniff, sniff, I smell douche-baggery!
    Isn't there a Youtube clip showing the gym manager of a Planet Fitness kicking a guy out for making a little noise while doing squats?
  3. Kelli Says:
  4. So I swear I am not missing this great running wod tomorrow just because I suck at running. I actually have to call a guy in China at 6pm. :-) Just to make it clear. ha ha ha.
  5. BigD Says:
  6. Just saw the workouts for the Games Prep class. So glad I have the week off so I can hit 7am!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. What a idiotic complacent philosophy... That's the reason why there are 200 million overweight Americans.. Now we are trying to say its ok to be unhealthy which evidently it is cause being healthy and fit seems to be becoming a minority group..
  9. J Andresen Says:
  10. It's only a "judgement zone" if you make it one. These people need a place that says "no judgement here" in order to feel safe. It's all mental.
  11. Ricky Frausto Says:
  12. Fourth Edition of the CFOmaha Nutrition Challenge

    Dates: January 3rd thru February 5th
    Cost: $25.00

    This edition of the challenge will be the biggest one so far. It will only be five weeks in duration and have a new food log submission process. We are hoping to sign up at least 30 people if not more. The challenge will also include some additional implementations. Also included will be a new platform to track your food logs.

    There will be 3 meetings at the end of this week. You must attend one of them. At these meetings full disclosure of the challenge will be released along with the takiother the pre-challenge pictures. Please wear shorts and sports bra for ladies/shorts for guys. Keep in mind you will need to wear the same choice for your post pictures as well.

    Meeting #1: Thursday 5:30pm
    Meeting #2: Thursday 6:30pm
    Meeting #3: Saturday 11:30am

    There is a sign-up sheet in the gym or front office for those interested in the challenge.
  13. GregP Says:
  14. Full house at 6am. There were some pretty speedy people.

    21 sec each time.

    Great Job 6 AM!
  15. Hilg Says:
  16. Now that was fun....icing my knee now. ;-)

    19 sec average. 18,19,19,20,19

    Plan ahead if you wanna sign up for 6am....full house every morning!

  17. Nick.M Says:
  18. Hadn't been to 5AM in a while, had fun in the small group though.

    19-18-18-19-19. Pretty consistent across the board, the last couple 19s might have been generous as I was crossing just as Amanda was saying 19. Legs started getting pretty heavy. I was terrible out of the turns!

    Good work 5AMers!

    Planet Fitness: Never have been to this place, from the looks of it I don't ever want to. Seems like they discourage hard work when they are outlawing making any sort of noise. If people doing all they're sissy cardio work on treadmills and ellipticals don't like to watch/listen to people moving some weight around go run outside! Sadly it seems as more and more commercial gyms are going toward this way.
  19. Shane Says:
  20. From an evil-money-making scheme, Planet Fitness is awesome. Think about it: the people who sign up for this gym don't really want to get FIT, they want to get thin. And this gym is set up for them to FAIL, ensuring Planet Fitness New-Year's-Resolution clientele who will never really lose weight - but continue shelling out cash - year after year. Hell, they don't even allow deadlifting! It's brilliant, really.
  21. Addi Says:
  22. To a certain extent, I kind of get what they're going for at Planet Fitness. If you look at the language they use, it's almost exactly what most CrossFit affiliates achieve across the board -
    *a 'Judgement Free Zone® where a lasting, active lifestyle can be built.'
    *'members can relax, get in shape, and have fun without being subjected to the hard-core, look-at-me attitude that exists in too many gyms.'

    Depending on your definition of "hard-core," and if you ignore their grossly misguided take on actual fitness and training, I'd say that's pretty much what we do. That being said, there is an alarming amount of hypocrisy in claiming a 'Judgment Free Zone,' and then setting off an alarm and publicly kicking people out when they manage to actually train.

    Frustrating morning for deadlifts... 2RM = 250. I couldn't pick up 264 even once. Back was tight, I'm weak in the morning, blah blah blah. It was a struggle to not let it get to me, but some days you have it and some days you don't. Add learning to accept that to my list of goals.

    Football Gone Bad went a little better - didn't push myself very hard, especially on the thrusters. Went more for consistency across the rounds, and saving what little lower back health I have today. 309
  23. Addi Says:
  24. To a certain extent, I kind of get what they're going for at Planet Fitness. If you look at the language they use, it's almost exactly what most CrossFit affiliates achieve across the board -
    *a 'Judgement Free Zone® where a lasting, active lifestyle can be built.'
    *'members can relax, get in shape, and have fun without being subjected to the hard-core, look-at-me attitude that exists in too many gyms.'

    Depending on your definition of "hard-core," and if you ignore their grossly misguided take on actual fitness and training, I'd say that's pretty much what we do. That being said, there is an alarming amount of hypocrisy in claiming a 'Judgment Free Zone,' and then setting off an alarm and publicly kicking people out when they manage to actually train.

    Frustrating morning for deadlifts... 2RM = 250. I couldn't pick up 264 even once. Back was tight, I'm weak in the morning, blah blah blah. It was a struggle to not let it get to me, but some days you have it and some days you don't. Add learning to accept that to my list of goals.

    Football Gone Bad went a little better - didn't push myself very hard, especially on the thrusters. Went more for consistency across the rounds, and saving what little lower back health I have today. 309
  25. Shelley Says:
  26. 7 a.m.:

    DL 3x2: 286#, 296# and 306# reset after each rep and approx 3 minutes rest in between each set

    Football gone bad 3 rounds:
    Thrusters (30# DB's)
    box jumps (20")
    row for calories
    minute rest

    295 total score; pretty consistent each round, 101, 100, 94.

    Thrusters: 20,18,17
    BJ's: 23,23,22
    pushups: 12,11,10
    DU's 35,38,35
    row: 11,10,10

    Good work today by everyone!

    I need to put some thought into specific goals for upcoming year. I do want to be able to do muscle ups and strict HSPU's which would require me to actually work on them.......funny how that works that way. Using Thursday rest days to do that sounds like a good idea.

    I will probably do upcoming nutrition challenge simply because it forces me to be accountable. Without logging my intake, I'm much looser with what I take in. I always keep my protein intake and veggies intake high, but I'm guessing my fruit intake (carbs) is higher than it should be and my love affair with red wine could be tamed a bit.
  27. BigD Says:
  28. 384 for 2 on DLs today. Which I guess is an improvement from about a month ago when I struggled getting 374 up for one. Still want more...
    Football Gone Bad was pretty cool. Thrusters killed me. Total reps today, 259. Once again, the rest of you guys doing the Games preps, I am in awe...
  29. Amanda Says:
  30. Good morning sprints, everyone did well! Fun groups and hard work, what more can you ask for?

    The types of gyms such as "Planet Fitness" make me sick. But the sad part is, most of the people (members) don't know how much better it can be! One of worst aspects of their website is seeing the pictures of the gyms. Literally jam-packed full of treadmills and other lame equipment. As for the "Lunk Alarm" and "Judgement Free Zone", that just sounds like BS. Check out their "Lunk" T-Shirt...

    Wow. Have a great Tuesday!
  31. Gina Says:
  32. Great class this morning at 6am, even if we did have to run. I had a hard time picking up speed after stopping and turning. Average time: 27 secs - I wanted to stay under 30 each time, so I was happy.
  33. paul Says:
  34. addi, is what you have to say SO IMPORTANT that you have to say it twice?!

    7 rds
    7 FS (155)
    7 CTB pullups
    21 DU

    this was awful. way too much rest. i had no breath at all. i guess that's to be expected after 4 days off at Christmas.
  35. paul Says:
  36. just read yesterday's comments...I wish I could be in town to come on Wednesday for Greg Mo's last day at CFO! I've learned a lot from you, bro. Make sure to post here every now and then and let us know what's up, when you squat 400, etc.
  37. Addi Says:
  38. Yes, Paul. Yes it is.

    Hanging out at my parents' today, and their computer is ... unpredictable at best. It must have double-sent.
  39. John Snodgrass Says:
  40. Good Workout today!! Average was in low 18's. Need to work on my start and stopping. Good Noon Class.
  41. Brandon Says:
  42. Did the shuttle runs today at noon. I really hate running, so that's exactly why I made sure to get in and do them. After the holiay weekend, these kicked my ass.
    Times: 18s/19s/20s/20s/20s

    As for Planet Fitness:
    My viewpoint is two-fold. First, I can't stand places like Planet Fitness, because in reality, they only care about getting you in the door to sign up. They have no real need of actual fitness, they want you on the treadmill watching CNN. They make hypocrites of themselves by claiming a "Judgement Free Zone", then judging folks who lift freeweights, and/or sweat, grunt, *insert something clever here*. I have personally been asked to "keep it down" insided a Powerhouse Gym, I can't imagine the Nazi tactics they use to get people to leave at Planet Fitness.
    On the other hand: I see their niche' in the market, and I can see why certain folks would be attracted to places like that. I have friends who would rather get on the treadmill or exercise bike and then leave, than to use their time more productively. They're not bad, just unmotivated to strive for more. As for the "Lunk" alarms... good thing we have CFO. :-)

  43. JonD Says:
  44. I am going to comment on my blog click my link under my name to hear what I have to say! Its really good!

    I did todays games WOD

    DL 2RM stayed at 330 (boo) focused on my back staying flat!

    Football gone bad total 409
  45. Amanda Says:
  46. ATTENTION AM'ers who want to come to 6am for Greg Mo's last 6am...

    There is a special one-day-only class time at 6am tomorrow (Wednesday) for Greg Mo's last class, with an increased limit of 30 people. I have added all of those currently scheduled for the regular 6am and those that were on the waitlist.
  47. Greg MO Says:
  48. NICE!! Thanks for the extra spots Amanda! Whoever can make it come workout with me 1 last time tomorrow morning @ 6am!!

    I appreciate all the warm sentiments, I'm going to miss CFO and all of you more than you'll ever know!!!
  49. GregP Says:
  50. Has Logwod been updated for Monday and Tuesday or I can't see the two WODs in there.
  51. Anonymous Says:
  52. I am by no means justifying the marketing tactics of this organization but I can definitely relate to the type of people they are marketing to. Now I know you might find this hard to believe but I didn’t always have this athletic prowess you see today. So when I decided that my out of shape behind needed to get into shape a place like Planet Fitness would have made me feel really comfortable and welcome. I know for some of you it may be hard for you to see the point in a place like this but for some this can take the edge off of joining a gym.

    I believe if people are truly dedicated to getting healthy beyond making a failed New Year’s resolution they will find that going to the Planet Fitness every day boring and eventually leave (like I did with 24 hour fitness). But those that are not truly interested in getting healthy will probably just leave.

    Now kicking someone out of your gym because they make too much noise is just plain silly and poor business tactics. This is some sort of reverse discrimination. Some people are just vocal err, I mean expressive. I mean when I run I am expressive (winded but expressive). But really if you really are an expressive person when working out (meaning you are putting some effort into your workout) is Planet Fitness really for you anyway?
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. Off day but wanted to work on a few concentrated weaknesses that I have picked out for sectionals..
    1. HSPUs
    2. Muscle Ups (with a turn out and consecutive reps)
    3. High Rep Pull Ups
    4. k2e, gh sit ups, etc

    Worked on Muscle Ups since its been a while..
    1. Straight hang while holding a false grip and internal and external rotating while trying to hold it... 3-5 turns
    2. Worked the pull up to dip transition... Have a tendency to pull ring to shoulders instead of chest
    3. 10 super strict muscle ups with turnout before the start and external rotation to 11 and 1 o'clock at the top of the dip - Not timed

    4X5 HSPUs - Backward facing the wall - NO KIP
    100m Row Sprints... Working towards more efficiency...
    1st row - 17 secs - 11 strokes
    2nd row - 17 secs - only 10 strokes
    3rd row - 16.7 secs - again 10 strokes
    4th row - 16.9 secs - 10 strokes
  55. Tovar Says:
  56. Wow! That sucked! My recovery time sucks which made it much worse than I thought it would be.

    Average time was 17.66 secs.

    17.3 / 17.6 / 17.3 / 18.3 / 17.8
  57. Stacie Says:
  58. Avg: 18.62 - 18.6, 18.4, 18.4, 19.1, 18.6
  59. Unknown Says:
  60. ugh, I think my legs are dead.... 22.54 avg... But I am very Happy that I stayed below 25!
  61. JennG Says:
  62. Having just come from an extended stint at a "big box", I am excited about being at CFO. Even though I believe these gyms have their place, maybe even as a stepping stone to the next level, I know it's not something that's meeting my needs any longer. Although I've only been in classes for two days, I'm confident about how far I can go from here. Thanks to all for making me feel welcome.

    That being said..average today: 22 - 21, 22, 23, 22, 22
  63. Mel C Says:
  64. Lunk Alarm...Gold's Gym has one. One time when I was in there as a guest, they pulled it because someone was wearing a cut off...?

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