AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
4 One-legged Squats
5 Power Cleans
6 Pull ups
Repeat above cycle 5 times, resting 1 minute between.
Post rounds from each cycle to comments/Logwod.

What resolutions are you after? Want to lose some weight? Get stronger? Last longer?
CFO games competitors are to attend regular classes today. Competition prep will resume at 7am on Tuesday. A reminder that anyone that wishes to push their wall back a little is welcome and encouraged to workout with us. This is not a closed group.
Great class this morning. Let's keep filling it up!
Good job 6AM!
I wanted to become stronger in 2010 and with the help of the strength classes I came pretty close to hitting most of the numbers I wanted. One of the last keys to creating SMART goals is to tell someone. I did not do that this year. I will post my goals for 2011 here in the next couple of days. Anyone want to post theirs?
Keep those comments coming.
This workout seems interesting, I may give it a whirl here in a bit.
Jen and I did the 2nd workout on Friday from the other weekend when the games group got together.
8 Rounds
5 Pull ups from ground
7 Push ups release hand to plate
9 sit up squats
I jumped the the highest pull up bar along the wall.
Ill let ya know how todays workout with go!
Workout looks just as fun as they usually do, looking forward to 5:30.
There is a sign up sheet in the gym for our next NutriSimple challenge!! A WONDERFUL idea speaking of New Year's resolutions!! It starts Jan. 3rd with a required meeting before that on Thursday evening or Saturday morning...
Have a magnificent Monday!
Signed up for the nutrition challenge and will have some specific, attainable, goals for 2011 to post shortly. I was too general this year (look good, feel good)and finished the year "short" in some hard to define way....does that make sense? I will need to build consistancy in there somehow as I was on and then off this year and finished "flat".
I don't really do resolutions either but I guess my 1 resolution would be to not let moving effect my training...
It's kind of weird to think that this is my last week at CFO!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!! I'm going to miss all you guys!!!
PS: This Wednesday morning is my last regularly scheduled 6am class with everyone! If I have worked out with any of you in the past come have a final workout with me at 6am this Wednesday! Hopefully Rick & Joe will open up some spots for you guys if the class fills up...
Hope I get to see you all sometime before I leave!!
How does the wait list work? Will I automatically be registered if someone cancels?
Anyways, 13 rounds today power cleans got hard!
Good luck everyone!
Hey guys remember Dustin is selling tickets for New Years Eve party for 40$ (food and beer included). They will be at the gym if your interested.
This Wednesday anyone who wants to come can, in honor of GregMo and for the fact that it is still December... But I ask if you are going to come please sign up (even if it's the waitlist) Thanks!
12 rounds Rx'd; I thought the pullups were the hardest part of this WOD; cleans felt good and the pistols went pretty well. I had to redo a couple when I lost my balance before standing up. Pullups I did unbroken in first cycle but after that it was 3,3 or 3,2,1 Rounds broke down as follows:
Congrats to Hira for getting her first unassisted pullups!!
12 rds rx'd... 3-3-2-2-2
I think I could have gotten 4 that first cycle - had 48 seconds left on the clock. Pistols felt pretty solid today, but power cleans just gassed me. More than an hour later, I'm still not quite recovered. Arms and legs were twitching all the way home. Christmas Carbs Attack!
I'm not generally a resolution person, but I have set a couple non-New Year's-related goals lately:
* Take better care of myself with recovery and mobility work (as well as avoid further lectures from Dr. Fostersen). Adding in a little yoga a few times a month and some lap swimming. (Has anyone else been paying attention to the Journal videos lately? I'm betting on a water event this year.)
* Get my nutrition dialed in more consistently. I'm good at locking in before competitions, but I could do better the rest of the time, with further tweaks during crunch-time. I know how to eat - I just have to start giving a shit. Going to start keeping my own food log (coupled w/ training log to hopefully notice some correlations). Need to up my fats and maybe cut fruit.
200 DU's
50 Pull Ups
30 Push Press (165#)
10 Flights of Stairs (Flight actually composed of almost 2 flights)
200 DU's
** Push Press and Pull Ups were broken up severely.. 6, 4, 4, 3, 3, then 5 sets of freaking 2 the rest of the way
- 18:20 - Shitty
No resolution set for me but probably wouldn't hurt to have one.
New years: Nothing really crazy thus far, but I want to get body weight back down to 230 (freshman year college weight). Hopefully that happens long before the end of 2011 but who knows...
It takes an Act of God to get me to the gym at 6 am...such as Greg MO. I'm on the waitlist for Wednesday.