Tuesday 101214

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
5 rounds for time of:
10 DB Push ups
10 DB Split Clean (alternating legs)
10 Renegade Rows
Pro Agility (5-10-5)

Post time to comments/Logwod.

That's what I figured was inside a can of whoopass.

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14 Responses to "Tuesday 101214"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. I miss CFO :(
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. 9:41 with 35lb. Maybe shoulda gone with 40lb but felt like I kept a decent pace at that weight....rows seemed to be the toughest at the weight.

    Thanks for getting back into Tabata Tuesday's's a link to the tabata iphone app (now all I need is an iphone!)
  5. Addi Says:
  6. Games WOD - 10:46

    I forgot how much harder hand-release pushups were. I knew I would be last, but it still sucks. I'm pretty sure I got lapped by less than half the group, though, so that's good news.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Games WOD - 10:46

    I forgot how much harder hand-release pushups were. I knew I would be last, but it still sucks. I'm pretty sure I got lapped by less than half the group, though, so that's good news.
  9. paul Says:
  10. We miss you, Nick...where ya been?

    Games prep--back squat with bands (crazy), GH situps (love these), and a brutal little metcon of broad jumps, 2 pood swings, and pushups.

    Some real ass kickers at 7am!
  11. Unknown Says:
  12. I'll be back soon...and ready for war!
  13. Iron Nerd Says:
  14. 12:12 @ 35# I was actually pretty happy with the weight today, but felt like I probably could have shaved off 20 or 30 seconds if I *really* pushed it. Next time...
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
  17. Stacie Says:
  18. 9:37 rxd
  19. Eric C Says:
  20. Thanks for the link Hilg. It'll make tabata days a lot easier (less counting). Thanks for pushing me today too!

    Nick! WTF? Where u been? COME BACK!

    9 something today. 40#.
  21. Stacie Says:
  22. Games Prep:
    204 x 3 with blue bands
    10:15 rxd - broad jumps, KBs & PUs
  23. Addi Says:
  24. DUs, wallballs, rope climbs: DNF... I thought I stopped at 20:00, but rememebered I already had 5:00 on the clock, so 3 rds in 15:00ish. Turns out, I suck at this workout AND at timing myself!

    I told Jon before this workout that the good thing about working out by yourself is that you're always first. After, it felt like last. Again.

    But, double-unders did feel good and I got pretty comfortable with the new ropes. And I remembered my vitacoco. So I got that going for me.
  25. Mark Says:
  26. 10:30 with 50# dumbbells. I tried to keep up with Stacie but her closing speed on the last round just crushed all my hopes.
  27. Fit At Midlife Says:
  28. I created a free workout timer that you can use for Tabata intervals. It can be found at

    It’s a free web page - no app to install, nothing to download, you can be up and running in seconds. Just select “Tabata” from the Saved Options, then click “Start”

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