Monday 101213

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
1000 meter row
followed by,
4 rounds of:
7 Push Presses, 154#/110#
25 Air Squats

Post time to comments/Logwod.

The Concept2 Rower - Part One from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

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13 Responses to "Monday 101213"

  1. Hilg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. 10:14 at 132#

    Don't feel like I've mastered the rowing at all......I think I understand the technique but am not executing...."knowing-doing gap".

    Great job 6amers!
  5. Nick.M Says:
  6. 10:55 rx'd. Actually felt the best I've ever felt rowing today. Kept more of a constant pace throughout.

    Good work 6AM!
  7. BigD Says:
  8. 14:10 at 132#. Felt good on the row. Went down-hill from there. Have to do better next time...
  9. paul Says:
  10. Awesome but brutal one at 7. and AMRAP of cleans, TGUs, and strict pullups. Props to those of you who did 2-pood TGUs. Not this guy.
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. @ noon did 11:40 with 53# - moving slow and feeling slow... only a few more weeks of this (I hope!!).
  13. Shane Says:
  14. 11:17 @ 132. Fun one. Also, 5 o' clock in the morning is....early.
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Games WOD - 4 rds + 2 TGU.

    I had to sub 16 power cleans for the 10 squat cleans. The right hip was not a fan of standing up out of the squat. More reps + more power = a lot less breath to spare. I need to get my hamstring situation in order, because this is going to get old fast.

    TGUs were heavy as hell, but warmed up toward the end.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Off Day... Mess Around on the rings... never realized how much I was actually missing in terms of ROM

    Practiced External Rotation Finish On the Dip...
    Holding my false grip while turning in and out on the bottom
    Keeping rings tight on the transition from pull to dip...
    Probably did about 20-30 total reps...

    Back at it tomorrow
  19. Iron Nerd Says:
  20. 10:32 @ 110# Pretty disappointed (in retrospect) with that choice of weight. I definitely could (and should) have gone 132#. That being said, felt good to go fast.
  21. Kelli Says:
  22. Finally made it in! 10:42 53# push press.
  23. Mark Says:
  24. 10:37 Rx'd. Super tough on the legs.
  25. Stacie Says:
  26. 10:22 rdx - Holy heavy & holy legs

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