Wednesday 101215

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Dead-lift 3x1 @ 85-90% / 3x1 @ 90-95%

The above percentages are only guidelines. The idea is to get in some moderately heavy singles followed by some heavy singles and not necessarily to try for a new max.

Post weights to comments/Logwod.

Not only does Pete carry a pistol.......

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5 Responses to "Wednesday 101215"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Tuesday Nights Workout...

    Max Height No Step BJ - 3X3
    36" 42" 44"

    Power Clean - 3RM - Best Clean so far for a 3 is 229 (hang/power) and 239 (full catch)
    154, 198, 220, 236 - Felt good

    Clean Pulls - 3X3 (275-305)

    Bench Press (Yeah been a while)
    3X5 (135, 165, 185) Horrible I know
    Cable Row 3X10
    Barbell Roll Outs 3X10

    Thinking of pulling a triple WOD day tomorrow so just tested out my 250m Row to see if its faster... 3 Attempts - PR so far is 43.7.. I've done mid 42's before though
    42.8, 44.1, 45
  3. Nate Says:

    Just a funny link on the 8 most award works in a gym.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. WOD 1 or 1 and 2 depending on how you look at it I guess...

    Strength Work...
    Weighted Pull Ups 3X5 (Best is 50X4)
    BW, 33#, 54#, 54X4... PR but that 5th rep may have had a little kip with it

    Metcon 1 - CFO WOD from a few days ago... But subbed a 800m Run instead so probably have to add 20-30 secs onto my time to compare it to the original version...
    800m Run
    4RDS of
    7 Push Press (155#)
    25 Squats
    ** 6:24, So probably something like 7 mins if I had rowed instead.. Ran the 800 in a little under 3 mins and did all reps unbroken

    Not sure what I'll do tonight but will be longer... probably a 20 min AMRAP with some gymnastic weakness in it
  7. Kelli Says:
  8. Was on my way and thenthe freezing rain began. I turned around. I don't mess with freezin rain :( sorry guys!
  9. Chip Says:
  10. 3x1 308#, 3x1 318#. Felt super heavy today, legs weren't 100%. Good job 4:30.

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