Tuesday 101207

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
4 rounds for time of:
10 Hang Power Cleans, 110#/77#
10 Burpees
10 Thrusters, 110#/77#
10 KB Swings, 2/1.5 pood

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Celeste Snodgrass and Natalie Guenther dead-lifting in the AM.

Don't forget to check-in at CrossFit Omaha through your phone on Facebook when you come to workout. Check-in at least 20 times from now until January 15th and receive a coupon for a free 3-hour snatch seminar (retail $100). Ask me for more details.

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8 Responses to "Tuesday 101207"

  1. Stacie Says:
  2. Got myself out of bed to hit up 7 AM: Miracle

    Press - 5 x 2 @ 75 - not havin' it this morning. Right shoulder is on fire from swingin' at my 15-year old vball studs every Monday and Wednesday. I guess playing league every Thursday night doesn't help either... whoops!

    Squat (w/out box) - 15 x 2 @ 174
    Max Box Jump - Started with 30" + red... way too easy. Added some color... still too easy. Went over to the wooden thing and completed rounds 7-15 here. Don't know what height that thing is, but it felt great!
  3. paul Says:
  4. Another awesome 7am with the games ppl. presses, pullups, squats, box jumps...what more can a person ask for?
  5. Stacie Says:
  6. Oh, thanks Paul! Forgot Max Pull Ups in 8 minutes: 5 x 5 x 4
  7. Nate Says:
  8. Is that not the second scandel that progenex as been involved in. Crazy, Ill stick to my cheap stuff just like the article said. Great 7am morning group, but not gonna lie, i am looking forward to this rest day tmw.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Back Squat - 1RM Test - 18" Box
    346# - Happy with it... Most I've squatted in a long time

    400m Run
    (About 400 might have been a little longer.. Was trying to adjust for the distance running from the hallway to the track)
    5 Rope Climbs
    3RDS - 8:47
    ** The run felt fast but I'm sure thats what all slow people say when they think they are running fast :)

    RESTED 3-5 Mins

    25 HSPU's
    7,2,3,3,3,2,1,1,1,1,1... Haha

    Want to try the Main Site WOD from yesterday tonight but see how I'm feeling
  11. BigD Says:
  12. DNF at 6AM on the WOD. Got through three rounds RX'd. This one left me beat down and humbled. Looking forward to tonight's WOD,...whatever it will be...
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. used 1 pood, and 53#s. DNF got 3 rds and i threw up in my mouth during this one!
  15. Stacie Says:
  16. 11:50ish rdx - Although I got stronger in the 8 week strength class, my cardio weakened. Can't wait to have both back.

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