Thursday 101223

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
"CFO's 12 Days of Christmas"
For time:
1 Dead-lift @ 75% 1RM
2 Long Jumps, at least 6 feet
3 Pull ups
4 Lateral Bar Hops
5 Air Squats
Walking Lunges, 6 steps
7 Sit ups
8 Double Unders
9 Single Unders
10 DB Hang Power Cleans, 50#/35#
11 MB Cleans (floor to squat), 20#/14#
12 Ball Slams, 20#/16#

This workouts to be performed just like the 12 days of Christmas, 1 followed by 2 followed by 1 followed by 3, followed by 2, followed by 1, and so on until the workout is complete.

Post time to comments.

CrossFit's newly found relationship with Reebok. What do you think? You may not even know what that relationship is but give your 2 cents anyways. What does this mean for the sport? What does it mean for affiliates?

Post your insightful thoughts to comments.

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28 Responses to "Thursday 101223"

  1. Hilg Says:
  2. HoHoHolly Cow. Fun but ran out of gas on those last three total body busters! 22:36....Why did that last round take so long????

    Huge group of 19 6amers!

    Merry Christmas Everyone!
  3. Shane Says:
  4. COOL workout Amanda...this was different and killed me in a whole new way. 18:19.

    Merry Christmas, all.

    Re: Reebok - not surprising. Crossfit is getting bigger and bigger, and corporate sponsorship of this type follows suit. With it comes good stuff, and potential for not-so-good stuff, just like anything else in life.
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. This Reebok facility is actually in one of the Reebok offices for thier employees and not a commercial gym yet. One can only assume it will turn into that though.
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. I loved this WOD!
    17:33 Rx'd (252# on DL). 9 days down seemed to go very quickly and then you hit the 10th and start to notice it. By the second time through on day 11, I definitely noticed! I took my time on DL from the beginning even though it was only one rep and felt good throughout. I also noted that on pullups I wasn't wasting an extra swing before doing my first one so hopefully this sticks with me in other wods where pullups are involved.

    Great work 6 a.m.!!! Good to see Mike back for the holidays too!
  9. BigD Says:
  10. Man, I hate that I'm stuck at work and missing this WOD! Looks like a blast!
    Also, I think the relationship with Reebok is a good thing. More exposure for CrossFit means more spreading of CrossFit.
  11. Celeste Says:
  12. Thanks to Shelley for pushing me in this WOD!
    17:50 - jumping pull-ups. I agree that day 11 was terrible and totally kicked my butt.
  13. GregP Says:
  14. 17:33 Fun workout. Looks harder than it is. Goes pretty quick until you get to the DB Cleans.

    Big class this morning. Great work by everyone!

    Love all the comments the past few days. Especially from all those that use to comment. Paul, always like to read what you are doing on the road.

    Merry Christmas everyone. Be safe if you are traveling.

    Reebok-CF was bound to get a sponsor sooner of later. It will mean the sport will become much more professional. It should help affiliates get members. I think you are going to see more professional type athletes and not as many will come from the regular affiliates because they will be training at a higher level. Which I think is going to be the downside to CF getting professional.
  15. BC Says:
  16. All I know is I can't wait to rock a pair of Reebok Easy Tone shoes. Someone looks FABULOOOOUUUUSSS!!!
  17. Natalie Says:
  18. Dare I say it....this workout was FUN! I loved it. Amanda's Christmas present to me was letting me finish...18:51.

    Merry Crossfit-Mas.

    Be safe everyone--see you next week!
  19. Wes Says:
  20. We are very busy at the hospital, so I will not be in this week. I was able to do a little DL work last night (225#-5 sets of 10 ), tried to move, and rest only a minute between sets. I felt good & had that feeling that life is good. I work out because it is good for me, it is the right thing to do, & my progress is really slow but steady. I am a physician (anesthesiologist), so I see illness all day long, I see people that do not take care of themselves, and many with diseases that are a result of their genetic makeup. But most everyone would be better off if they exercised their bodies. We have bodies that are "designed" to move, I believe God intends for us to remain active our entire lives. That is my "health maintenance" argument, different than the argument favoring Reebok sponsorship. I like both aspects of CF. Reebok sees the profit potential, that's good. The "sport" of CF will continue to grow! Good things can't be held back. I believe the health maintenance part of CF will also continue to grow & possibly become a part of more people's lives.
  21. Gina Says:
  22. This was an interesting but tough workout. The constant changes made it go fast. Huge class this morning made it a fun workout. I finished in 17:37, scaled.
  23. Teresa Says:
  24. Workout looks fun! Can’t wait to perform this later this afternoon.

    My thoughts on going corporate: More money and awareness for the sport and discipline. It is great to see it embraced by the fitness culture and have the funding from a big apparel company to take it to the next level. It ultimately means changes though. Big, commercialized, mass-marketed events, new products and spokespeople will introduce the sport to so many new people and gyms will get bigger and new competition will enter in to the market (both business and athlete). So for those who embrace change and evolve with it; it is fun to see it morph and grow. Those whom are apprehensive to changes or enjoy being early adaptors of innovation will develop a new discipline to bring into vogue. And the cycle will continue.

    If they start choreographing WOD to Pink “Get this Party Started”…I’m out.
  25. Teresa Says:
  26. Actually I lied. I'd probably still be down with it.
  27. Tovar Says:
  28. For those of you interested in purchasing a ticket for the New Years Eve Party at Dante's I left several tickets with Jon and Ricky in the front office. Talk to them if you need one. Sounds like we might have a nice CFO turnout. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
  29. BC Says:
  30. There's nothing quite like a nooner. 18:21 for me today. Because of strength class it's been over a month since I've done a legit metcon, and I was a little nervous about this wod. But I'm actually pretty happy - and somewhat surprised - with my performance. I would've loved to have broken 18 min but it's still a nice way to head into a mini-holiday break. Great job everyone!
  31. Crystal Says:
  32. Ricky and I hit up Crossfit Amarillo this morning. Worked on front squats ended with 130x3. Then worked on some handstand pushups, strict pullups, kipping pullups. We then did 3 rounds of their WOD, AMRAP 45 sec on 15 sec off of wall balls and sledge hammer swings. 121 reps total. Damn wall balls!

    I wonder if we were to do our WODs wearng the Reebok Easy Tones if it would make us even more fit?! Lol! It was only time that a big sponser was going to come in. Hopefully it doest change for the worse.

    Merry Christmas to everyone!
  33. JonD Says:
  34. Hey everyone great job to those of you that showed up yesterday! 100 burpees is a good one! 12 days today awesome back to back!

    I am going to start to post on here as well it will hold me accountable and I can keep track as well.

    100 Burpees - 5:20

    Did 2 extra at the end cuz im pretty sure i missed counted in there somewhere.

    Not sure if I will do todays cuz I have been moving this morning and thats a workout in itself.

    Rebook CrossFit - I don't know what to think. I like it and I don't. It will take aways from its roughness of a garage gym feel, but it will ultimately give more people a chance to do whats best for their body, exercise. I just want people to become healthy fit individuals and CrossFit is the best way to do that so I hope this will help change the way people view fitness on a wider scale.

    Rebook and CrossFit

    Kinda like -
    Wal-Mart and Paleo Snacks

    Something doesn't sound right? Anyone?

    Well whatever gets this country doing CrossFit Im all for it!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. 3 workout day... kinda :)

    1st - Grace Re-Test - Old PR 1:59
    - 135# - Power Catches - 1:52
    ** Did the first 20 unbroken but had to regrip then did 4, 3, 1,1,1

    Rested (well currently resting) 30 mins

    2nd - Lifting -
    Going to Front Squat

    Then Hamstring/Lower Back - Low Rep
    Core Work and Inverted Row - High Rep

    3rd - Tonight - 2 mile run

    Ill post times and weights tonight... A good start to the day.. My hamstrings and shoulder took grace pretty hard...
  37. Addi Says:
  38. I got stuck a little late at work had the pleasure of doing my first-ever late-to-class burpees at noon today. Good stuff!

    12:47 - I did my damnedest to keep Stacie and Reba in the corner of my eye and to try to keep up, but I should have known better. Med ball cleans get me every time.

    Then had to rush back to work without my customary cool-down/heckling time. A sweaty, hungry drive with the windows down. 11 hours after breakfast, I'm just now getting to "lunch." Luckily, Dodge was backed up from 102nd to 680 and I was forced to detour to Maple and pick up a pound of brisket from Hartland.

    (note: I will mention carnivory in every post until I beat BC's deadlift.)
  39. Addi Says:
  40. Also, I just want to mention how excited I am that I haven't seen a misplaced dumbbell in over a week. I don't know if someone is tidying them, or if people just figured out how to read double-digit numbers, but it makes my days that much more awesome.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Front Squat 3RM .. Done while watching the unenlightened do wrist curls and calf raises so I was motivated haha..
    135 185 225 245 261 which I think is a 3RM PR or pretty damn close

    Stiff legged DL.. Standing on 6 inch elevation.. 3X8 205#

    Ab roll outs 2X12
    Inverted row 2X15
  43. Amanda Says:

    I wanted 6am to break out a Christmas carol in class, Kyle was on board, but we just listened to Christmas music during the workout instead. Loved that. Noon wasn't as open to it. Big groups and a fun workout, good day.

    Addi, thanks for noticing! I have been tidying up the dumbbells. And I have to say, I second your comment with a people-can't-put-them-back-properly undertone. :)

    Reebok and CrossFit... As with EVERYTHING there are definitely pro's and con's. I will outline my top reasons.

    PRO-Spread CrossFit to the masses. As we all know, this is by far the most legit form of exercise; leading to a healthy lifestyle. And as we all (should) know people need more of in our US of A.

    CON-More CrossFit's to me equals a very large chance of a lot of low-quality coaches/instruction. There are already quite a few "CrossFitters" I have seen with less-than-desireable technique and range of motion and I would foresee that getting a lot worse. This con leads to another idea: Is crappy CrossFit better than no CrossFit? Probably. Just as any exercise is better than no exercise. You just are at a higher risk for injury with less knowledge and instruction... In summary, you take the good, you take the bad and there you have, the facts of life. (I shouldn't know that phrase/theme song).

    On another note, made it to my original home, North Platte. And just watched my mom do our own version of "12 Days of Christmas" in our living room. My dad had it done when I got here. My brother (Logan - a regular this summer) is about to do it in the driveway. Yes, it's 25 degrees here, he's a BA. Spread the love, CrossFit is good.
  45. Erica Says:
  46. Haha, that's great Amanda!
    Loved the WOD today, even though it did kick my butt! Finished in 20:47, was feeling a little barfy this morning so I'm just glad I finished it!
    As for Reebok and Crossfit, I pretty much agree with what most people are saying, could be a great thing but we will see I guess!
  47. Shane Says:
  48. For the record, I looked up "carnivory," and it is indeed a word. Which I guess means "herbivory" is a word too, which sounds even weirder....thanks Addi.
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. And final event of the day... 3 hours post 2nd workout.. 3200m run.. Yeah my pacing sucks.. Only hit 715 on the first mile and finished in 1330 with plenty left in the tank.. Sub 13 goal next time .. Have a great Christmas everyone! Back at it Sunday night
  51. jessica Says:
  52. Visited Crossfit Dallas today and did FGB...292 I PRed by 43!
  53. Mark Says:
  54. Finished "12 Days" in 15:41 with 313# for the deadlift. I liked this WOD until the DB cleans and med ball cleans, those sucked...

    Great work at 4:30!! Have a Merry Christmas everyone!
  55. Kat Says:
  56. 15:56 RX'd. 35# db and 219# dl. Rested too much at DL. Took my time setting up and took a couple breaths before I lifted...great wod though! I love these babies!

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