Bench Press - 3 x 5. Followed by, one set of max reps at 75% off of your last set of 5.
Use the same weight for all three sets (or stay as close as possible).
Post weights used for all sets, including max reps set, as well as number of reps on last set to comments/Logwod.
Ben Brown goes overhead during last Tuesday's 6am class.
Do you use social networking platforms such as Twitter and Facebook? If so, why? Do you even know what they are good for or how to use them correctly or do you just use them because everyone else is doing it? If you do use them, do you have a lot of followers? Want more?
These platforms are very powerful tools if used correctly. You can build incredible relationships with people who share the same interests as you or look at the same things you look at. You can create leverage for yourself through these relationships and build the brand that is you. Ask yourself who you are and what do you have to offer the world around you? Start talking with direction and with purpose and people will follow you and trust what you have to say as long as you deliver and are consistent. Whether you are trying to interact with your customer or talking to your friends, help them find what they're looking for and they'll return the favor.
The worst thing you can do is to use these platforms incorrectly such as a place for narcissism or boasting. Is it shopping you're good at? Find all the sales and and post about them, people will look to you for where to look and you'll amass a great following. It doesn't happen overnight but as long as your consistent and you deliver, it will pay off.
Post thoughts to comments.
These platforms are very powerful tools if used correctly. You can build incredible relationships with people who share the same interests as you or look at the same things you look at. You can create leverage for yourself through these relationships and build the brand that is you. Ask yourself who you are and what do you have to offer the world around you? Start talking with direction and with purpose and people will follow you and trust what you have to say as long as you deliver and are consistent. Whether you are trying to interact with your customer or talking to your friends, help them find what they're looking for and they'll return the favor.
The worst thing you can do is to use these platforms incorrectly such as a place for narcissism or boasting. Is it shopping you're good at? Find all the sales and and post about them, people will look to you for where to look and you'll amass a great following. It doesn't happen overnight but as long as your consistent and you deliver, it will pay off.
Post thoughts to comments.
25 lunges
20 pullups
50 box jumps
20 DU's
25 ring dips
20 knees to elbows
30 swings (2/1.5)
30 situps
20 DB hang squat cleans (35/20)
25 back extensions
30 wall balls
3 rope climbs
DNF/ 20 minute cutoff
had 20 wallballs and 3 rope climbs left. I got hung up on ring dips and was doing them one at a time from the beginning. I couldn't string any more together or I missed the lockout. Weak. The only things I did unbroken were lunges (duh), situps and hang squat cleans. I did the 3 rope climbs afterwards w/ Megan M and Dave, and these weren't so bad.
Great job everyone! So many of you smoked this one!!
Happy New Year's Eve! Be safe but have fun!!
But fun WOD for the day.
Happy New Year everyone. Be safe out there!
I did a version of "nasty girls" (maybe the official version?):
3 rds
10 hang power cleans (135)
7 muscle-ups
50 air squats
didn't time it--probably around 17. muscle-ups took me forever because i couldn't hang onto the rings. they were cool rings, though--wooden. in theory they should be better to grip than plastic or metal, but in practice they were pretty slippery. still, i got all 21, and there are days when i cannot do 21 muscle-ups.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy New Year!
Everybody have fun tonight. See ya next year!
I should have been able to do at least 132, but the shoulders were smoked this week. Still, I love a good bench press day.
5 strict pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 squats
10 RDS (all unbroken reps)
Snatch Balance - Moderate Single
- 110, 154, 185, 205, 220
Power Snatch - 2RM - 180#
Front Squat - 3RM - Trying to beat what I hit last week - 261 last week... only 3 sets - 220, 245, tried 265 and only hit one... :$
Core Stab - 2X15 - Barbell Rollouts
Reverse Hypers 2X20 - 70#
Gymnastic Weakness for the week...
High Volume Pull Ups
- Tabata Pull Ups - 8RDS
20, 18, 15, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11
** Hit wall quickly with my grip strength..109 reps total, Score 11
Longer Monostructural work... 2000m Row - kept about a 1:48 pace... 7:23