Clean Dead-lift/Hang Clean/Full Clean 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Complete the above sequence as one rep. Do five sets. Rest as you would on a strength day between attempts. Increase weight each time as necessary.
Post weights used to comments/Logwod.
Foster Weyand shores up his ring dip strength using band assistance during this past Tuesday's "Mustache" WOD. This is a great way to scale ring dips until one is able to do them unassisted.
Nice work, 6-ers!
Round 4 was the toughest...failed the hang cleans twice and then finally started getting under the bar and my wrists weakest link on the cleans.
Go Red!
Like this 1 but it's been a while since heavy cleans so I'm happy with my number. Ran out of time before I could try 264#, next time...
Awesome work 6amers!!!
Those of you goin to Dallas this weekend, I'm green with envy, & have a an awesome & safe trip!!!
154, 198, 220, 240, 250, 265- Barely :(
Main Site WOD from yesterday... Was debating on whether to make it heavier and few reps but decided to try the regular version...
500m Row
7 Thrusters (135#)
5 ROUNDS - 12:00
- Pretty happy with this since its right up there with some of the bigger names and best times posted for that day...
Probably off for the next two days since I'll be in New York... Have a good weekend everyone!
Apparently I'm still pulling too high and slow under the bar - not news to me, but I actually felt like I made some progress on it. 142 felt light... I felt like I had a good 20 pounds or more.
Would have made for a great afternoon if I hadn't also lost my wallet. Awesome.
68, 73, 77, 82, 87
feels great to be back at it!
This was pretty fun.
I missed 208 twice on my full clean, I wasn't getting my elbows up, but got it on my last one.