Wednesday 101124

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
30 Push Jerks
30 Burpees

Post weight and time to comments/Logwod.

What do you think? Legit work wouldn't you say? I don't know how he'd do with "Cindy" but then again, I don't know how most of the current stars of CrossFit would do with what he just did.

Post thoughts to comments.

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8 Responses to "Wednesday 101124"

  1. paul Says:
  2. This dude is f-ing strong, that's for sure. It's kind of funny how slowly he does the squat cleans, considering how strong he is.

    I'm heading out of town, but plan to do some workouts on my own (which I'll post, to keep myself honest).
  3. J Andresen Says:
  4. 132# @ 4:28 +/-
    Good work 5am
  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. smh....if these are the kinds of athletes that are gettin into the games we all need to find a new hobby....damn!!!

    5:55 rx w/176#

    Everyone have a great turkey day!!!
  7. Unknown Says:
  8. Not human...

    I am officially not competing in the games.
  9. Nick.M Says:
  10. That dude is crazy good. I wouldn't wanna do much of anything across from him.

    8:25 at 176#. May have gone a little too heavy. Started struggling with the last 15. Had a couple reps that I couldn't count in reps 22-30.
  11. Shelley Says:
  12. 5:26 at 99#; burpees suck.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Day three... I could get used to kicking my own ass three days in a row...

    Tall Clean... Heavy Single... Been a while and felt good so why not
    110, 154 X2
    185, 205, 225 X1 - Missed 225

    Clean Technique Work... 110-154#
    Power Position, Mid-Thigh, Knee, and Floor... All Power Catches

    Strict Pull Ups Ladder... Stayed with CTB as long as possible
    1,2,3,4,5 - Used a 30 sec clock
    after that went to a min clock
    6 (CTB), 7 (4 or 5 CTB then went to chin), 8 (Chin), and 9 (Chin)- finally crossed over the min... Wanted to get to RD 10

    Making a concentrated effort to put more PC and Core work into workouts so... Barbell Roll Outs 3X10 (Knees)

    1.5 Mile Treadmill Run
    (8-11.5 MPH... 9:55) Almost didnt make it

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Have a safe trip if youre traveling out of town...
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. That guy is a FREAK.

    Thankfully I let Amanda talk me down to 132# from 154#. I might still be there if I didn't.


    Happy Thanksgiving.

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