Thursday 101125

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Have a Happy Thanksgiving to each one of you. You are much appreciated and wholeheartedly some of our best friends. Thank you for you.

If you haven't already seen it posted to our Facebook page or our Twitter account, CFO will be hosting 4 nutrition seminars for free. You gotta sign up online though. You can go to to find the links.

The dates and times are:
Friday, November 26th @ 5PM
Thursday, December 2nd @ 6:30PM
Saturday, December 4th @ 11:30AM
Wednesday, December 8th @ 1PM

These seminars will be about 1 hour in length and cover basic principles of nutrition. I will also reveal the next nutrition challenge which will have a twist.

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4 Responses to "Thursday 101125"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. Happy Thanksgiving all!
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. Happy Thanksgiving!! May everyone count their blessings!!!

    Did the turkey trot (4 miles) around Lake Zorinsky with Megan M. It was very cold........Steve and Teresa also ran it. Thanks for the hot chocolate afterwards Steve!
  5. paul Says:
  6. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    I started doing some hollow rocks, but my dog thought it was some kind of game and started sniffing me and nipping at my limbs. Did a few weighted pushups and called it good.
  7. Steve Says:
  8. No problem Shelley. Great way to start a holiday morning with Megan, Shelley, and Teresa.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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