Tuesday 101109

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
DB Single Arm Power Snatch, 5 each arm
50 Double Unders

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3 Responses to "Tuesday 101109"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Fun one! 7 rds (plus 10 snatches and 11 DU). Could've gotten 8 with a little better time/rest management. (or with better fitness.)
  3. Greg MO Says:
  4. 3 rounds + 10 snatches w/88# barbell

    Used 88# barbell just to see if i could, worked out ok, made me really have to maintain correct snatch technique.

    Nice work 6amers!!!
  5. Kat Says:
  6. I got 6 rounds + 10 snatches + 46 double unders! Sooooo close to a full 7 rounds! Damn double unders!

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