Rest Day

Barefoot Running
Speaking of running, give this article a read. And remember, proper training does not mean extra running.
Marathons Damage the Hearts of Less Fit Runners for Up to Three Months, MRI Data Suggests - Science Daily
Our stance is that running is great for the mind and a huge stress reliever but that overuse of the activity is not healthy nor causes fitness and should be balanced out with a great emphasis on strength training as well as addressing other forms of anaerobic activity.
Once an aerobic base has been set, you can no longer improve upon it. Running further and/or racking up the mileage is not the answer, especially if you are not fit to begin with.
Train smart and take your bodily health into consideration. CrossFit is not the end all be all. In fact, it can be just as dangerous. Too much of any one thing is not ideal. Mix and match. Slow things down. Speed things up. Lift heavy things. Jump. Squat. Run sprints. Run far. Throw. Climb. Do these things together and individually. Time yourself. Don't time yourself. Try and win. Don't try and beat anyone.
Last but not least, have fun but not at the expense of your health, both mentally and physically. That is why we have strength classes because it is a huge change of pace. Ask anyone who has taken a class and they'll tell you that they love it. No pressure. It's just a learning environment where you can actually see the results taking place. It's a good break before going back to regular classes. Maybe CFO should have a running club too?
Beer an Bagel run this Sunday, Ashland, NE at 8:30. Cross-country course.
Snatch... 1 Rep EA min on the min... 15 mins
** Started off at 155 and hit 209 as my heaviest.. Not terrible but I want to get back into the 213+ category soon
Back Box Squat (18")- 3RM
- Hit 306
HSPU - 3XMAX REPS - 11, 10, 8
.... Definitely still a weakness
GH Sit Up Practice... Sets of 10
Short Day Cause I'm Planning on Re-Testing Chelsea Tomorrow
3 rds
5 DL (308)
10 strict DB presses (35)