Thursday 101014

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

A line of rings at muscle beach in Santa Monica.

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7 Responses to "Thursday 101014"

  1. Nick.M Says:
  2. I looked on the Crossfit Football website last night and thought the Conditioning WOD looked fun.

    10,000 pounds as fast as you can.
    1 rep at a time, cycle through squat, bench, and clean.

    After some quick number crunching I decided to do 198 for all three lifts and do 17 rounds (comes to a total of 10,098) hoping the lighter weight would keep me moving through it. I ended up getting it in 12:47. It really was a pretty fun WOD, I suggest the people who like a little more strength training to try it!
  3. Greg MO Says:
  4. Here's 1 I made up and did this morning:

    Full snatch (154#)
    Pull ups

    I like that CF football 1 also, might give that 1 a try next week.
  5. Unknown Says:

    Good luck with that paleo thing today. I don't think cavemen celebrated birthdays but I bet if they could have made birthday wishes, they would have wished for bigger hands for all those nuts ;) So I will wish paleo wishes for you (and your hands).

    Your good buddy-
    Jess J.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Damn Greg... Thats a monster WOD...

    Day 1 of 2nd 2/1 Cycle for the week

    Snatch - 5 Position - Reps 4 and 5 were rough towards the end
    1- 1st Position/Power Catch
    2- Mid Thigh / Power
    3- Knee / Full
    4- Floor / Power
    5- Floor / Full
    Got up to 155# on the last set

    Clean Pulls
    - Worked up to 3 sets of 2 between 100 and 110% of my clean max
    (262 - 282)

    Decided to throw all my gymnastics and post chain work into a metcon

    Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups
    KB Swings (70#)
    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 EA
    - 9:10 - Happy to say no misses on CTB Pull Ups but Burpees need some work... Lack of Core Stability for sure...

    I'll hit some OH work and squatting tomorrow...
  9. paul Says:
  10. I made up yesterday's with the noon crowd. Slowest rd. was 1:27. That was tough. Nice work, everyone, and good working out with you, Eric, as always!
  11. Eric C Says:
  12. Noon was good times today! I think we talked and came up with the fact that the shorter the WOD (...or the more rest in a WOD) the harder it is. I wouldn't know today because I LOAFED IT like a wussy.

    If your last round was your fastest round, you loafed it too!

    (1:27, 132, 134, 134, 125)
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. made up monday's wod - just one round w/ rxd reps


    holy cardio! loved it! perfect bday wod for me :)

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