5 Rounds of:
1 Minute of KB Swings, 1.5/1 pood
Rest 1 minute
For every round you don't reach 30 swings in the allotted minute, you must immediately run 200 meters. This is during your 1 minute rest period.
Post how many 200's you had to run to comments/Logwod.
Pat Mendes, now, one of the strongest 20 something's in the world.
Averaged 45 sec a round for 30, except for round 5. That was the only round I did not go unbroken, and only had 5 seconds left when I finished. Great job 5AM!
My grip just gave out on me and only got 27 on the last round. So I had to run a 200....then ran another for "fun". We could see our breathe this morning!! Rough week of workouts...I'm glad it's friday!
Awesome work 5am'ers!
I tried to hard but damn grip got all tight and couldn't hold on
1 pood
rd 1- 30
rd2- 30
rd3 - 25
rd4 - 20
rd5 - 17
ran 3 200m after rds completed.
Go Big Red!
See you there!