Monday 101025

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Snatch 1RM

The first of many 1 rep maxes.

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Halloween workout this Saturday. Wear a costume, bring the fam, and be ready to have a good workout.

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10 Responses to "Monday 101025"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 164# (17# PR!)

    I have been struggling to get a 154# snatch for a long time, and today it felt easy. Even 164# was a pretty high catch. Gotta work on that. Thanks for the tips, Greg Mo!

    Nice work by everyone at 6am!
  3. Greg MO Says:
  4. 208#

    Nice work Paul and everybody @ 6am!
  5. BigD Says:
  6. Man, I need to work on this lift more. Didn't even hit my old 1RM. 154 felt good going overhead, just couldn't lock it out. Next time. Thanks for working with me Nick!
  7. Nick.M Says:
  8. No problem D! We were having the same problem anyway.

    I got 174 but I know I can get higher. I just wanted to save some energy for 203 so I made a big jump. I got under it fine, just couldn't get my shoulders locked for the catch. Oh well, go on to fight another day right?

    Good work 5 AM!
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. Haha! There is no such thing as Vegans! Here is a heads up message to all those so called "non-meat eaters" out there:
  11. CrossFit Hydro Says:
  12. Thruster - 2RM
    Hit 219 then only hit 229 for 1

    Trap Bar DL - Worked on adjusting set up to engage my hamstring a little more - 4X5 - Ended at 315#

    SA Lat Pulldown with Int/Ext Rotation X5EA

    Tried the Main Site Metcon from a few days ago to see where I'm at compared to some of the big names :)

    15 Hang Power Cleans (135#)
    15 Burpees
    3 RDS - 4:08... Still had some left in the tank.. But not terrible
  13. Paula Says:
  14. 82# (14# PR) ...last time I did 1RM snatch was Aug 31st and Nov. 19th and it was 68# both times. I can't believe it's been that long. I've done 3RM but not 1RM. Crazy! Maybe because I was in strength class from the end of May?!?

    I worked up to 77# during the snatch seminar in August. So, I was hoping to get more than 82#, but I'll take the PR!!! I should maybe think about doing the seminar coming up...learned a lot on the last one and would like to work some more on technique...can always learn something.

    Awesome work this morning 5am'ers!!!!
  15. Pastor Justin Says:
  16. #164

    That's a new PR! 14lbs over my bodyweight but I think I can do more.
  17. Gdawg Says:
  18. 109#...not a PR by quite a bit, spent more time with light weight working on keeping the bar close! good to join the noon class and meet new people, great work everyone!

  19. Unknown Says:
  20. #99

    Big Thanks to Jon for pushing me to challenge myself in the weight and to Jim with the technique!

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