For time:
10-8-6-4-2 rep rounds of:
Power Cleans
Run 100 meters after each round.
immediately followed by,
5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:
No Push up Burpee Power Cleans
Run 200 meters after each round.
Post time to comments/LogWod.
Allison Hinkle pulling herself underneath the bar during a power clean.
This Saturday is the CrossFit Omaha Weightlifting/Met-con Meet. If you haven't already done so, please get your registration sheets to me pronto. We need these by Friday (anyone not belonging to the gym can fill them out at the time of weigh-ins) to help organize the meet. Be ready for a good time and an opportunity to learn a new sport.
Weigh-ins are at 8:30AM. A clinic on the sport of weightlifting will begin at 9AM and lifting will commence at 10AM. This is a learning experience and in no way is it meant for the highly skilled. As a matter of fact, I believe that every person I've talked to has asked me whether they think they are good enough to participate and every time, I have said, heck yes. You can't miss out on a tremendous time because of a little fear.
If you are on the fence about taking part, come talk to me. If anything, you can help out in some way to make it an enjoyable experience for those that are participating. We just want people involved.
And best of all......... ITS FREE!
Weigh-ins are at 8:30AM. A clinic on the sport of weightlifting will begin at 9AM and lifting will commence at 10AM. This is a learning experience and in no way is it meant for the highly skilled. As a matter of fact, I believe that every person I've talked to has asked me whether they think they are good enough to participate and every time, I have said, heck yes. You can't miss out on a tremendous time because of a little fear.
If you are on the fence about taking part, come talk to me. If anything, you can help out in some way to make it an enjoyable experience for those that are participating. We just want people involved.
And best of all......... ITS FREE!
I want to do the meet, but due to the UNO game at 1 have to be there 3 hours early and can't participate.
At a boy Nick! Way to sack up!
Good to be back with the morning monsters today. Except I kind of felt like a guest.... : ) Great to see new faces!
12:10 Rx'd today.
Unfortunately, I can't come to the meet on Sat. My parents will be in town.
13:00 at 110
Glad I scaled to get back into it.....hoofed over some mountain terrian the past two weeks but that ain't the same as Crossfittin!
Anyone interested in pictures from an awesome New Mexico archery elk hunt can see them at:
Snatch Work - 3 Position
* Muscle, Power, Full Catch
88, 108, 128, 145
Front Squat - 5RM
155, 180, 220, 241 - Equals what I'm supposed to be able to do based off my current 1RM... The last rep was UGLY though
Post Chain... SL RDL 3X8EA
40, 45, 50's (2 DBs)
Gymnastics Weakness
1 Rope Climb (About 10-12 Ft)
* 1 min Clock *
Then 1 RC, 2 HSPU... 2 RC, 3 HSPU... Add 1 HSPU on each RD until unable to finish reps in under a min
.. Coasted through 6 Reps then hit a wall at 7, but still finished the reps in under a min and finally crossed over at 8 reps... Needs a lot of work...
Going to try to do either a run or a swim tonight...
Off Day Tomorrow
Those 200 meter runs were pretty rough.