Tuesday 100928

Ricky Frausto Filed Under: Labels:
Push Press 7-7-7 reps

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"Alcohol vs CrossFit" by CrossFit South Bay (CA)

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7 Responses to "Tuesday 100928"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Surprisingly tough. got 154 on my last set.

    Good work, 6am! Jeff, you have both enviable shoulder mobility and a thunderous hip drive!
  3. BC Says:
  4. 120x7. I feel like I may have short changed myself, that last set wasn't quite as heavy as I was anticipating and I think I had 132 in me today. Good work just the same.
  5. Gdawg Says:
  6. eh, i still want a beer after reading that article...
  7. Nick.M Says:
  8. 154, 174, 184

    I felt like I had a little left after the last set but I fet a twinge in my upper back and didn't want to push it and be out of commission for a while. Damn injuries
  9. kahrs Says:
  10. I was able to muster out 176 for 7, thanks to John telling me I should try it. The only way I got to this number was due to the strength class, give it a shot.
  11. BigD Says:
  12. Got 164 for 7. Damn Josh beat me again!
    Yep. I second what he said. Strength class is well worth it!
  13. Kat Says:
  14. 109#x7. Great job everyone!

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