Thursday 100902

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Aligning the hips, shoulders and barbell over the base of support/middle of the foot (left image) is stronger than with exaggerated lumbar extension (right image).

Stacie, Kat, Amanda, and a few other ladies, this is what I am always preaching to you about when I tell you not to push out your chest/stick out your butt when going overhead, both with a barbell and with a kettle bell.

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4 Responses to "Thursday 100902"

  1. Stacie Says:
  2. Gotcha. Thanks Ricky.
  3. Steve Says:
  4. Weather permitting, I'm planning on doing the Taco ride tonite. Starting at the pedestrian bridge at my house at 5:30, I should be at the trailhead at 6:15. If anyone is interested, I can meet up with you near the playground equipment.
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. I did a variation of yesterday's main site WOD:

    AMRAP 12 Minutes
    88# Thrusters, 3 reps
    88# Hang Power Cleans, 6 reps
    88# SDHP, 9 reps

    7 rounds
  7. Unknown Says:
  8. Hey Thanks, Addi!

    But I think you might have mistakenly made the word 'strong' out of the two accurate words of slow and wrong ;) But I keep on keeping on!

    --Jess J.

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