Wednesday 100901

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
10 DB Thrusters
10 Box Jumps

Every minute on the minute you must perform a single burpee squat clean with your dumbbells. This will amount to a total of 10 burpee squat cleans by the end of the workout.

Post rounds completed and dumbbell weight to comments/LogWod.

Megan G, post run.

If you haven't noticed, I have posted a link in the far right column that says CrossFit Level I Cert. We are going to be hosting a Level I certification in the gym on November 13th and 14th.

If you have any interest in learning about teaching the CrossFit method, this is the first step. Talk to us if you want more information or have any questions.

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5 Responses to "Wednesday 100901"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. How much is the level 1 cert? ?1,000?
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. YES! Finally I can take my freaking L1 test and find a L2 somewhere to see how my coaching stacks up!
  5. Allison H :) Says:
  6. same as nick... $$$how much??
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Damn you, Zack, for being so fast. My quads are smoked.

    Jess J., you are getting STRONG!!

    Thanks for listening when I yell, Kat. It gives me an inflated sense of self-worth. :)

    Ricky, however...
  9. Kat Says:
  10. 5 rnds....3 box jumps away from 6 rounds :( ...should have yelled at me more addi!
    Great job everyone! It was soooo awesome to work out next to my younger sis! You did so good ellen!

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