Saturday 100904

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
2 rounds, each for time of:
3 Sprints (length of gym and back)
21 Kettle Bell Swings
2 Sprints
15 Kettle Bell Swings
1 Sprint
9 Kettle Bell Swings

The 9am class will be split into two groups. The first group will go followed by the second group. As the second group is going, the first group rests and vice-versa until both rounds have been completed.

Post time from each round to comments/LogWod.

Learning how to perform the kettle bell snatch.

If you haven't already, sign up for the ladies only gymnastic seminar. The cost is $45 and runs from 1:30 to 4pm on Saturday, September 11th. Want to learn how to do muscle-ups? Then this seminar is for you.

Click here to sign-up.

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3 Responses to "Saturday 100904"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. Nice way to start the morning.
  3. BC Says:
  4. 3:30 1st round, 3:39 2nd round, 1.5 pood.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Starting my taper...

    Snatch - Worked up to 90% of my opener which is 209#
    88, 110, 154, 164, 174, 184, 189
    - Working on absolutely no missed reps or sloppy attempts
    Clean and Jerk - Same
    110, 154, 198, 208, 218, 228, 238
    Front Squat Max - 5 sets only
    185, 225, 245, 265, 276- Finally hit my current front squat max again... Thank god

    500# Tire Flips
    Weighted Inverted Rows (22#)

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