Monday 100906

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Closed For Labor Day

For reps and distance:
3 minutes of Box Jumps
15 minutes of Running
3 minutes of Box Jumps

Doesn't matter the box height, just find something and attain as many reps as possible in 3 minutes both at the beginning and at the end of your run. In 15 minutes, try and run as far as you can.

Post box jump reps and run distance to comments.

Pose Running

I'll be hosting a running seminar on October 9th. Registration opens soon.

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4 Responses to "Monday 100906"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I'm finally back in Omaha, and I can't wait to get back in the gym!

    yesterday, I did a 1mi run with a 20# vest. 7:36.

    Today, I did 5 rds of a 200m run and 15 pushups (palms up b/t reps). 10:22.

    Now I'm ready to move some weight!
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. Went to the Blair HS Track and did:

    61 Jumps to 26" platform (Half step ups)
    2800m Running
    61 Jumps (all step ups)
  5. Hilg Says:
  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. I did 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

    65# thrusters followed by pushups. I finished in 9:40. I didn't have to break up any thrusters, but pushups started out in 5's and quickly went to 3's and finally 2's and 1's.

    I then did 5x5 of front squats. First two sets were at 115# and last 3 were at 145#. I haven't done front squats in a long time. These felt pretty good.

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