Friday 100917

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Dead-lift 5-5-5-5-5 reps

All five sets are to be at the same weight. If you choose to increase the weight during any of the five sets, that set then becomes your first and you have four left.

Post weight to comments/LogWod.

Brian Jones sets up for a dead-lift.

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4 Responses to "Friday 100917"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 372x5x5. ouch! i actually tore up my hands doing this. haven't done heavy DL in WAY too long. there were definitely some ugly reps in there, but once I had gotten 3 sets of 5, i figured I had to just push through. I had also forgotten how much breath it takes to do 5 heavy deadlifts. crazy.

    nice job, 4:30!
  3. BC Says:
  4. Deadlifting with Paul is like trying to jam with Slash - at first you think you can hang, and then you just stand there in awe as he starts to freaking shred! Do you know where you are?! You're in crossfit baby, you're gonna diiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    I managed to eak out 284x5x5. I followed the advice given to me by Peter Griffin from Family Guy - the key is to put all of the weight in your lower back and groin, take your legs completely out of the equation.

    You can't tell but someone threw a wrench at me while I was typing all of this and I totally dodged it. See you biznatches tomorrow.
  5. paul Says:
  6. BChrist, you are hilarious. There are a number of people in the gym who deadlift heavier than me, but luckily for me, none of them ever post!
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. Did strength class:

    5x3 backsquat at 218#
    5x3 bench press at 125#

    Followed these up with 3 sets of reverse hypers and seated DB shoulder presses.

    My hamstrings/butt are feeling it today (Saturday). I also think today's row/burpee WOD drained me.

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