Wednesday 100811

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
1000 meter row
50 Empty Bar Thrusters, 44#/33#
30 Pull ups

Post time to comments/LogWod.

Learning the Butterfly Kipping Pull up

"CrossFit" (a review) from Discovery Health

Sign up for the Clean & Jerk / Snatch seminars HERE

Check out the male and female finalists from our recently completed Paleo Challenge HERE

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15 Responses to "Wednesday 100811"

  1. Nate Says:
  2. I enjoyed this "gangsta" explanation. It was very informative.
  3. Unknown Says:
  4. So is that story on "Discover Health" going to make it to the TV screen?
  5. Allison H :) Says:
  6. helloooooo ~ ricky or anybody - when does the next paleo challenge start? i am coming back soon! :)
  7. Hilg Says:
  8. 10:58 Rx'd with Joe's "Flex cut off"! ;-) Spent the final minute getting my last pull-up....gassed.

    I'm off to Chicago for Biz and Minnepolis for guys weekend.

  9. Addi Says:
  10. Mark Sisson is hosting a 30-day Primal Challenge in September. Lots of little contests and giveaways. Thought I'd pass it along..
  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. congrats to the finalists! impressive pics!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Olympic Max... I've just been feeling off lately

    Snatch - Only hit 209... but missed four along the way
    Clean and Jerk - 258... No Misses but my pull under the bar is still no timing right
    Front Squat - 6X2 (Unloaded)
    - Decided to use a mini bands double wrapped and worked up to a moderate double where there was no sticking point... Hit 115# + Bands

    Messed around with muscle ups... Trying to learn to either do them without false gripping or learning how to turn out with a false grip..
  15. Pastor Justin Says:
  16. Brain Fart!

    I was on my 32nd pullup when I realized that it wasn't 50 as RX'd!

    7:42 as RX'd + 2 : )
  17. Chip Says:
  18. 8:26, B, blue band
    I feel like an idiot doing pullups, its really frustrating.
  19. Gdawg Says:
  20. jackie is a sneaky bitch, thought I could tackle her but i had 5 pullups left when time was called...too controlled on the thrusters and should've pushed them time i'll know better :-) the row felt good though, kept a 2:05 pace. good work 6:30!

  21. BC Says:
  22. 7:35 option B.

    FYI kids, the Fostersens' bachelor/bachelorette party is set for Sept 18. Save the date, more info to come. (hint - If you're going to become true dodgeballers, then you've got to learn the five d's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!)
  23. Crystal Says:
  24. 6:30 rocked tonight. 1st WOD i've done since last tuesday. had to take a mental and physical break. wasn't sure if this was a good one to come back to, but what WOD is! lol!

    i was going do option B, but with a little pushing from jimbo ended up going rx'd. row went better than i though, thrusters ok, and had 11 pullups left when time was called.

    finished 10:58. very satisfied with that.
  25. Eric C Says:
  26. Yah GDawg, she is a sneaky bitch! And Jimbo is a sneaky bastard. 'just pick up the bar and do 10 thrusters then u can rest' after dragging my carcass of the rower. Rep'd out 15 from there. SNEAKY GOOD.

    8:33 rx'd

    Nice job Nick and Tovar. You guys smoked it!
    Good job the rest of the 6:30PM ers. Thanks for letting me visit! GREAT GROUP!
  27. Tovar Says:
  28. Keep your head up Chip. You'll have those stinkin pullups figured out in no time. And I think it's safe to say that most of us at CFO are a little idiotic.... after all we continue to come back every week for more crossfit pain don't we. :)
  29. Addi Says:
  30. Several points:

    1) Chip - Few things make you feel more idiotic than learning kipping pullups. When you get them, though, you'll feel like a genius.

    2) Speaking of feeling like an idiot, I practiced the butterfly kip after strength class. Thanks, Justin, for the tips! Definitely got a lot closer.

    3) Jimbo = evil genius

    4) BC - Party is on the official Kahrs Puppy Pals calendar, against my better judgment. (But when has that ever stopped me? For instance, when I admitted in a public forum to owning and using a Puppy Pals calendar... )

Thanks For Visiting!