Wednesday 100721

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Back Squat 1RM

Find your 1 rep max low bar back squat.

Post weight to comments/LogWod.

Crystal poses for a handstand off of Santa Monica beach. I have some other pictures from Santa Monica that I will post later. They are of muscle beach. If you get the chance, Google it and read up on its past. The pictures will mean more when you see them.

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19 Responses to "Wednesday 100721"

  1. Jess Says:
  2. 125# for BS (10# PR for me-Ricky, you would have been so proud!)

    Small but mighty group at 6am.
  3. Unknown Says:
  4. CF Omaha affiliate cup Event 3 coverage on the website

    17 July 1200-1300, fast forward to 25:50ish.

    The coverage is actually pretty impressive quality, and some commentary. CFO gets a lot of chatter.

    I havent spent a ton of time looking through these yet, but since Friday coverage isnt up yet, I think event 3 is the first affiliate event on Saturday that you can watch. I didnt look very closely through much of the individual stuff, so I havent found Stacey. If anyone has any other spots in these videos with some CFO footage post it please!
  5. Addi Says:
  6. Here's an interesting project by a couple members at CF Invictus...
  7. Paula Says:
  8. If any is even thinking about competing in sectionals next year read the article in Addi's comment. I'm saying it now (because I need this accountability) that I plan on competing at sectionals. I know I have a long way to go and A LOT to work on and may even have to scale on some things. At 41 yrs old and with my skill level I have no way of being in contention of winning going up against the 20-30 yrs old, but its not about placing in the top 3 or even the top 50 for me. I want to do it for the experience and just to say I did it.

    Who's on board with me??? If I'm going to do it...anyone can! We have about 7 months! Let's do it!
  9. Gdawg Says:
  10. sweet pic crystal! OMG I'LL BE BACK TODAY! CAN'T WAIT!
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Paula, I'm glad you're going to compete at sectionals, and I know you'll do better than you expect. The great thing about the competition side is that it pushes you to accomplish things you didn't think were possible, and this weekend really drove home the fact that we couldn't ask for better coaches to help us reach those goals. Others may have been stronger/bigger/faster, but nobody was better prepared than CFO.

    Check it out - 2 posts in a row with no sass. Must be the sleep deprivation.
  13. paul Says:
  14. nice work, nooners, and great lifting with you, nick.

    350 (pr). been working on that number for a long time. feels to get it (finally).
  15. Ricky Frausto Says:
  16. I got numerous requests this week on how we prepare for the games. They were amazed with our readiness and ability to be good at everything.

    Some told me that they did workouts tougher than this and still couldn't ddo better. They didn't understand what the problem was. They wanted to know what the secret was.

    I told them that there wasn't a secret. That its our ability to make sure we are pretty good at everything and to learn the little things like kipping the ring dips, bouncing the dead-lift, chaining the db squat cleans together, box jumping consecutively for speed. Stuff like that. I also told them that our athletes know the Olympic lifts, even our newbies are better than most intermediates at other gyms.

    We actually practiced pistol squats in a met-con leading up to the games and thus we blew through those when they came up.
    I can get you prepared for competition because I know what to expect. Nobody will go in blind. CFO has some of the greatest athletes in all of CrossFit land and Joe and I are just giving you the tools to reach your potential. It will and always will be about fun. Now, if you make it to the HDC, then it becomes a little more serious and I treat it as such because it is everyone in the gym you are representing but it isn't about winning. Its about performing. If you perform, winning takes care of itself.

    I applaud you Paula. You are a diamond in the rough. Since the goal has been set, now begins the preparation. Hit those weaknesses. I promise you that Stacie will never have an issue with HSPUs again. Take that mentality and run with it.

    It'll be fun and you won't be unprepared, that I promise.

  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Clean and Jerk (85%) - Doubles
    ** Actually did multi-position
    - Tall Clean, Power Clean + Push Press, then Full Clean + Push Jerk
    110, 154, 185, 209 (No Tall Clean), 219, 228 (Push Jerked Both)

    Front Squat (Russian Squat Program)
    4X2 (80%) - 225 - Every 2 mins

    SL Deadlift - This one sucked... Struggle with just 90# for 5EA Leg
    SS w/
    Barbell Roll Outs 3X10

    Messed around with Muscle Ups and then did a quick minute ladder
    Minute 1 - 1 MU up to 5 muscle ups at Minute 5

    Double WOD's tomorrow... Trying a Crossfit Endurance WOD for the first time tomorrow night.. :)
  19. Paula Says:
  20. FYI- Here are the dates and times of some the Affiliate Team and Stacie's WODs if you missed them. They are still working Friday's archives.

    17th- 12:00-1:00- Team (Run, BJ, etc) @ 22"
    2:00-3:00 - Stacie (DL,pistol) @ 39"
    17:00-18:00- Stacie (sandbag) @ 35"

    18th- start-8:00- Stacie (Clean, HSPU)- 55" and
    cont. into the 8:00-9:00
    11-12- Team @ 25"
    12-1 (cont. into 1-2:00)- Stacie @ 41" (3wod)
    4-5- Team Award @ 52"
  21. BigD Says:
  22. I'm with you Paula. Barring a deployment, I plan on going to the Sectionals next year too. I see CFO taking over the place when we get there!
  23. Steve Says:
  24. 301
  25. Kelli Says:
  26. 208 - my previous pr before i stopped working out for 9 months was 230. I feel good about this one. :)
  27. BC Says:
  28. 274, a 10#pr
  29. Mark Says:
  30. 291# PR by 7#. Pretty happy I was able to lift this much considering I have been feeling a little weak the past month. I can definitely see me squatting over 300 soon, perhaps when it cools back down to 70 degrees again!!
  31. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  32. 198#,pr by 25#!! My last one was ugly and not sure how i got up there. I was far away from the rack, a little to right.
    Nice work 5:30.

    I would like to compete in sectionals again, i have some weaknesses i have to work on.
  33. Unknown Says:
  34. 220#, PR! I still consider myself a newbie, but I am amazed how much stronger I have gotten in the last 3 months!
  35. Chip Says:
  36. 308
  37. lynn Says:
  38. Paula..being one of the 40 something gals myself I would be hard pressed to compete against the young kids as well. However I've gotta stay young somehow. Maybe I will join you..

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