Tuesday 100720

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
5 Power Snatch (110#/77#)
10 Pull ups
15 Box Jumps, 20 inch box

Post rounds and fractions of rounds completed to comments/LogWod.

's question, the rope climbs at the CrossFit Games, very cool or dangerous?

Post thoughts to comments.

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15 Responses to "Tuesday 100720"

  1. GregP Says:
  2. On one hand I think the 20ft rope climbs and 6/12 walls were pretty cool. On the other, I am very surprised CF did not have any serious injuries with either. That's exactly the order of my thoughts when I saw them.

    The rope climbs at the end of the 3 cuplets was an unnecessary risk. I would hav been more comfortable if they were at the beginning like the affiliate teams because of the athletes fatigue and we know they push themselves harder than normal people. Several of them took some pretty hard landings. In these cases, mats on the ground would have been a prudent measure.

    There was also no safety equipment and I don't want to see special or saftey equipment added to the sport of CF. if someone was injured during the off the ground events, I could see helmets, pads, etc added.

    Great job 6AM. 5rds/1 snatch @ #88
  3. Unknown Says:
  4. very cool. though mats on the ground wouldnt have hurt the event at all and provided a small safety measure. sand pits would have been better, but probably hard to produce on short notice.

    i like the implementation of more functional stuff, the walls, rope climbs etc are neat.

    i wouldnt mind seeing a crossfit games with no barbell movements. how about a gurney drag, hauling large unruley objects, get one of those 180# medical dummys on your shoulders from the ground and fireman carry it, etc. attach some atlas stones to ropes and pull them...i dont know but there are a million ways to implement functional movements without barbells. throwing objects for distance, either a 1 rep throw, or throw an object a certain distance in as few throws as possible, or for time.

    haul some heavy sandbags across a wading pool with 3 feet of water in it?
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. I do agree that 20ft rope climbs at the very end of a grueling 3 WOD workout are probably not the safest but what about the heavy cleans and ring handstand pushups earlier in the day. As fatigue set in there were some pretty ugly cleans that made me wince more so than those that fell during the rope climbs. Not to mention the potential to fall on your head during the ring handstand pushups.

    We Crossfit at our own risk and almost any movement can be dangerous if not done correctly. I was happy no one was seriously injured during the rope climbs but they were elite athletes so not all that surprising.
  7. Mark Says:
  8. I think the rope and wall climbs were very cool but I do think that HQ dropped the ball with athlete safety. A 20 foot rope climb is a 20 foot rope climb whether or not you have a mat underneath. It might actually be tougher with a mat cause the surface is more unstable. I think HQ gotlucky that no one fell from the ropes. Having a serious injury or death due to negligence related to a sport that is trying to grow in popularity could be detrimental to the future of the sport.

    As for the rest of the programming, I liked most of it but I thought it was a bit excessive. There were a total of 9 events in the indivudual competition. Event 6a,b,c was more work than then entire 2008 CrossFit Games (minus the hill run). I know the Games have evolved a lot since 2008 but there has to be a better way to determine the fittest on the planet than 9 workouts in 2 days and one night.
  9. Unknown Says:
  10. Congrats on your teams performance! Great job...

    I was a little scared someone was going to take a big fall, especially when I saw Stephanie get her leg stuck a couple times and she couldn't get down.

    Perhaps if they were to start with that WOD it would have been safer and still just as challenging. That said, it was the WOD of the final 3 that the most men completed so does that mean it was the easiest or that they were all just pushing themselves even harder towards the end? Who knows...but I'm glad no one was injured...
  11. Fish Says:
  12. Did anyone else hear the shout out from Grant Wistrom on 1620 The Zone yesterday. He wanted to say congrats to CFO for finishing 3rd at the games. I guess he owns a Crossfit in St Louis.
  13. paul Says:
  14. interesting thing about those 20' rope climbs, though--i think they definitely tell you something about the mentality of these athletes. you have to be pretty daring to climb 20' in the air when you already feel like you're gonna die. some people would just look up and say 'screw it'.

    6 rds, ripped my left palm on the last one. i didn't have a temper tantrum this time, though, which i kind of regret looking back...
  15. Hilg Says:
  16. Nice 6am infusion to the Noon class today! Got hung up on PUs.....5 rounds even with 88#. Wasn't feeling it today.
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. There were a few 6 am'ers that slept in today!!! Red meat and wine keeps me from popping out of bed.

    20' rope climb as the last event (in a triplet) at the games was kind of like having the swim as the last thing in a workout/ triathlon. Potentially dangerous. It was like watching a NASCAR race. I kept waiting for someone to crash.

    7 rounds + 4 PU's. Could NOT keep up w/ Nick!
  19. BigD Says:
  20. Good to be back in the 6AM!
    5rds as RX'd + 3 snatches. Good times.
    I agree w/some of the above posts. From a safety standpoint, having the rope climbs first would have been better, but luckily no serious injuries came from it.
  21. Kelli Says:
  22. I missed you guys. Glad to be back and big thanks to Jim for all that encouragement tonight!
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Kelli's back!! Made my day. :)

    I think you guys all nailed it with the rope climbs - for the team competition they weren't as bad as they looked, but we were fresh and a fall from the top would have been bad. For the individuals, they were far more fatigued from the weekend in general than we were, and it was at the very end of the most grueling workout. Recipe for disaster. I was surprised that they were allowed to use that height from a liability standpoint. I think safety equipment would have taken away from the event, but a more reasonable height, and a smarter timing for the individuals, would have been perfect.
  25. Donohoe Says:
  26. I did the wod today
    5 snatch 110
    5 pullups
    15 bx jumps
    5 rounds and 5 snatches
    everything was good except the pullups as usual.
    Donohoe out....
  27. Donohoe Says:
  28. I did the wod today
    5 snatch 110
    5 pullups
    15 bx jumps
    5 rounds and 5 snatches
    everything was good except the pullups as usual.
    Donohoe out....
  29. Pastor Justin Says:
  30. 7 rounds + 1 snatch

    This was a fun one!

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