Wednesday 100714

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
ANNOUNCEMENT: We have turned on the AC. So don't let the heat advisory scare you away. Come in and try out one-on-one #2!


One-on-One #2
15-12-9 rep rounds for time of:
Box Jumps, 24"/22"
Dead-lift, 225#/154# (guys' bars only)
Push Press, 132#/88# (guys' bars only)

Do you remember when you first started with the gym? Do you remember this workout? It is the workout we put everyone through, their second time in the gym. Do you remember now? You may have done something totally different in terms of weight and reps but the exercises are the same.

How far have you come since that workout? Has it been a week, a month, a year, more? How long have you been with CrossFit Omaha?

Post time to comments/LogWod.

CFO Heads to the 2010 CrossFit Games

Competition. There's nothing like it. It brings out the best and worst in us all. Some say they don't care to compete but that is more a statement of fear of failure or being embarrassed. Who cares where you finish if you give it your all. Effort is the name of the game.

If you perform like you know you can and give it your all and still don't come out on top, you won't regret your results but if you have more to give and you don't or if you don't compete at all, you will forever ask what if?

It is not about the win but about the experience. The experience of pain, sweat, tears, joy, anger, and many other things. It's about living. Don't shy away from competition, embrace it. Don't be afraid of failure. Look it in the eye and laugh. Don't think that you will look like a joke if you compete (that you have no business doing so) because in reality, if you have the opportunity and don't take it, the joke is on you.

As Stacie, Dustin, Kyle, Addi, Reba, Libby, and myself make the trek to LA, we keep in our minds all the hard work our blue collar gym puts in from day to day. We aren't any more special than any of you, just given an opportunity and taking full advantage of it. We go to represent you and Omaha. We thank you for your hard work, your donations, and your encouragement. You guys are special to all seven of us. It would do us no better than to bring that affiliate cup trophy home and a spot on the podium for Stacie.

Please watch us online and cheer us on through social media outlets such as facebook and twitter.

An extra special thanks to Wes Hubka, Greg O'Kief, and Bryan Brown for monetary donations, Jess Foster for holding a fundraiser through her chiropractic business, and those that bid and won during our silent auction. Because of you, we will have a much better shot at winning this whole thing.

GO CFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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22 Responses to "Wednesday 100714"

  1. Tovar Says:
  2. I agree 100% with Ricky. I can't wait to compete this weekend and represent CFO to the best of my abilities! Thanks again to all those that pitched in to help us out. I can't say enough how much we appreciate it. The seven of us have worked our asses off and we certainly hope to make our Crossfit Omaha community proud! Bring on the pain baby!
  3. Paula Says:
  4. GOOD LUCK TO CFO TEAM AND STACIE!!! You will all represent well! Kick some CFO booty!!!!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Good luck to CFO team and Stacie!! You guys will ROCK IT!!!
  7. GregP Says:
  8. GOOD LUCK to everyone !!! You have trained hard for this and will do GREAT. Travel safely
  9. Tovar Says:
  10. Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Words really can't describe how much this means to us other than Thankful.

    Look for us on the podium! Thanks again!
  11. Hilg Says:
  12. Good luck to the whole CFO team! Proud to be a part of this great Gym!

    9:24 Rx'd this morning. Good to see Greg O' busting it at a 6am!

  13. BigD Says:
  14. Good luck team CFO! I'm proud to be in the same gym as you guys! Kick some ass in LA!
  15. Greg MO Says:
  16. Good luck!!!
  17. kahrs Says:
  18. Was great to be back at 6am, but it didn't need to be so humid. 11:38 Rx'ed. I vaguely remember this being my second workout but that was sometime in May '07, it has been awesome everyday and amazing to watch the gym grow from the 3-5 when I started. Great job to Joe, Ricky and the rest of the crew.
  19. O'Kief Says:
  20. Good luck team CFO! Safe travels.
  21. Unknown Says:
  22. Kick some ass team CFO!
  23. Mark Says:
  24. Good luck to the CFO team and to Stacie, I know you guys will do your best and represent CFO well and I'm proud to be a part of that!
  25. paul Says:
  26. go get 'em, CFO! you guys are a force to be reckoned with!!
  27. Jen Says:
  28. Hi all! Yeah, I'm still around, just big and pregnant. I can't wait to get back in the gym. Good luck team CFO and Stacie. You have already made us proud. I'll be cheering you on!!!!
  29. paul Says:
  30. Worked out for the first time in a week! That felt amazing!

    4 rds
    20 front squats (95#)
    10 strict DB presses (30#)
    5 CTB pullups

  31. Kat Says:
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. Good Luck CFO and Stacie at the Games this weekend! Hope I'm right there along with you next year...

    Clean and Press
    110, 130, 155, 165X3
    Back Squat Test
    Hit 315 for a Single... Better than I expected...
    Wide Grip Cable Row 3X8 (315#)
    SS w/
    Front Bridge Walks on SB
    3X45 secs

    Quick Metcon
    5 Pull Ups
    5 Burpees
    ** Max RDS in 4 mins **
    10 1/2 + 2 Burpees ... Should have hit 11, but oh well...
  35. Unknown Says:
  36. Good luck CFO. Finished today's WOD in 6:07 rx'd. Pretty humid and hard to breath! I guess AC means 90 degrees instead of 95....
  37. Paula Says:
  38. Did 3:30 strength class- definitely not my strongest day....I don't know if it was the heat or 3.5hrs of sleep cuz got called in at 2am or having back issues or combo of all above.

    DL- barely got 223# off the ground and started to feel my lower and upper back pull and twitch. Did this weight x4 last week. Presses were OK....Got 93# x3 but failed at 99#. Thanks Jimbo and Amanda for the pointers!

    Again, Good luck Team CFO and Stacie!! We will be cheering hard from Omaha!!
  39. BC Says:
  40. 7:24 scaled 198# DL, 88# push press. I believe this is what they mean when they use the term "Africa hot." Holy balls! Nice job 5:30.

    As for CFO's Magnificent Seven, go give 'em hell and show them all what you're made of!
  41. Pastor Justin Says:
  42. Scaled to 220/88. 6:12

    My shoulders were still cashed from the three wods on Saturday!

    I can't wait to watch CFO make some noise on Friday!

    Do work CFO!!
  43. Shelley Says:
  44. Did strength class:

    AMRAP of back squat: 230# for 7 reps; bailed the weight on 8th rep/attempt

    AMRAP of bench: 130# for 3 reps (weak)

    Thanks for your help Jim!

    Good work Dave and Chad!!

Thanks For Visiting!